Favorite sled magazine


New member
Mar 17, 2009
I like trail riding.
I like in depth tech articles.
Product reviews are ok too.

What mag do you get delivered to your house/shop.

Used to get SnoWest and liked what they had. Wished they would have had more articles per year though. Don't get it anymore though. Just thought it wasn't worth the money to me anyways.
I've been reading snow tech since the 80's, actually it was called race and rally back then.Its always been a good read and its the only one I'm suscribed too all the others I just buy ocassionally.
Picked up the March issue of Snowtech today,looks like something I like.
Send the $15 for a year of it,five issues.

Thanks all
i like snotech too. i liked supertrax until the print got smaller. its too hard to read when you are driving down the interstate.
snowtech seems to be the only one written by people that are in to the technical side of, more of a group of engineers kinda thing. the others have a few good articles and a lot of fluff ( no pun intended! ) good for entertainment, but snowtech is the only one I really consider to be seriously into the tech side of things, LOTS of tech updates and just great info every month. a great read and a great buy! I still have a few of the copies from when it was called race and rally :)
