99 sx transformation


Active member
Oct 16, 2008
Sunderland, Ontario
So this summer I have quite a bit planned for my 99 sx. I am sick of having no travel so i plan on putting in viper shocks for the front and i have a 136" RMK skid for the rear. I plan on raising the bars and seat as well to make it more comfortable. I'm also doing an engine rebuild since it has about 25 000 km lol. Here are some pics of what I have done so far:

I'm going with a Pro-x seat with apex bars and a 6 inch powermad pivot riser


I'm using a stock MM 141 tunnel extension.
(It's just sitting there now so i can see how it looks)
Made some progress and thought i would post more pics.

piston tops and head after 25,000 km


Engine bay needs to be cleaned up a bit


Some stud damage from the previous track. No studs on the next one lol



Thankfully no damage to the exchanger. My next step is dissembling the engine.
From just sitting on it the seat feels really nice but i haven't ridden anywhere with it so i'll find out next season how it really feels.
daman said:
Thats a helleva riser on them bars becarefull of the big snapola.

Yep, pre-99 steering stems have been known to snap esp. with tall risers(4in+). After 99 Yamaha gusseted the stems to prevent this issue. If your going to have the engine out this would be the best time to upgrade(I have a 01 SXR stem $25 shipped) or gusset what you already got, just watch where you put your gussets or youll run into clearence issues. This would be alot better than putting all back together and half way through next season it snaps.
Thanks for the advice. I was wondering what year yamaha decided to strengthen the stems. I'll definitely change it out for a newer one.
The engine bay is all cleaned up. Just waiting to replace the steering stem and rebuild the engine and then it can start going back together.


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Here is my new steering stem in place. I ended up getting one from a 2002 srx from my local dealer at no cost.


It's slowly starting to go back together

This is the next step. I don't think it will be too hard to get this in however I still don't have definite measurements for this exact skid, so it might be interesting.
If anyone has measurements for this skid (2002 700 RMK 136") it would be greatly appreciated.
I just got my crank back this week and I assembled the bottom end. I had the two pto bearings changed by an engine shop and the guy also said my crank out of time by about 0.005". Luckily he was able to straighten it so now its good to go. I have never felt a vibration though so I thought it was weird that it was bent. Next think I have to do is get the cylinders on along with the pistons etc...

Question: Is it ok if I hone my cylinders? I know they have a special coating and you can't bore them, but what about honing?
Found out that honing is no good. Some guys just lightly hone them with a ball hone and others say just don't touch them. Mine are pretty decent so I decided to leave them. They are on there now along with new pistons rings etc... I will have some pics of the engine soon.
So I was thinking of going with the single head gasket mod while I have everything apart. Has anyone had problems with them leaking? I previously had just the middle layer removed and everything was fine.
Ok thanks I'll follow the how to in the tech section with the high tack gasket spray stuff and I should be good to go.

Today I also measured the warpage of the cylinder head on a large granite block. It is almost perfectly flat because I couldn't get a 0.001" gauge under it. So I think that's good to go on.
