99 sx transformation

Thanks guys, just an update: I don't think I will run the GYTR's this year at least. I checked total vertical travel with them and it's about 7". I tested my viper shocks and they have just over 9". I'm not sure if the fox floats are the same as the GYTR's but I don't really want to have less travel I don't think.

Also I'm thinking of going to 142.5 mains as I am still running stock jetting, also maybe dropping the needles 1/2 notch. There were a few warmer days last season where I had some sputtering from being too rich.

I'm also working on getting a large wheel kit for the rear because my track is too loose right now with the adjusters maxed out.
I know this thread is really old, but if musselman sees this please reply, did you ever try the gytr phaser shocks up front? And you ever sell them? I am building an sx and am torn between getting piggybacks or just revaluing the Xtc shocks I have? Thanks
Yes I did try them but was not impressed and did not notice any improvements, plus they would hit the belly pan when fully bottomed out. You would be much better off rebuilding and revalving the oem xtc shocks. You will definitely get a noticeable improvement from that. I do still have the shocks though, but one has a solid shaft which eliminates the rebound adjustment since it was damaged.
Thanks for the advice! I am dead set on doing a pro x shorty on my 97 sx, and I would like to pick your brain about how you made that cover from your old seat cover. I think a red/black from a 97 would be sweet but how did you make it? I have read this build but I don't remember seeing much into on it? If there is I'm sorry, but any help would be nice, thanks musselman
Thanks for the advice! I am dead set on doing a pro x shorty on my 97 sx, and I would like to pick your brain about how you made that cover from your old seat cover. I think a red/black from a 97 would be sweet but how did you make it? I have read this build but I don't remember seeing much into on it? If there is I'm sorry, but any help would be nice, thanks musselman

The seat cover wasn't too hard to make. What I did was remove the polaris seat cover, then unstitch each panel using scissors to cut the thread. I ended up reusing the top and bottom pieces of the polaris cover.

I then took the sides (coloured sections) of the polaris cover and laid them on to my yamaha seat cover making sure the "polaris" was in the same place as the "Yamaha". I then traced out the polaris cover onto the yamaha cover and cut them out.

Then it's just a matter of stitching them back together using a sewing machine with some heavy duty thread.
thread bump! what cables did you go with for your tall risers.
I'm going around 5inches and i already have the 03 mtn viper cables and they are too short.
I have never used them so can't say but they will be better than the extensions at least. Viper mountain cables will be the best though.
don't mean to hijack your thread but I've got some questions about lifting the front of my 2000 sxr 700. since this was the year they made the long travel suspension, how do i go taller? I'm pretty sure the viper shocks are the same size. ive done a lot of researching and i can't seem to find a longer shock that will bolt in. I've read somewhere that rmk shock fits but i don't have the older style bulkhead with the eye lit mounting holes. thanks!
