Silencer Mod on sx700

Wow, talk about a highjacked thread.. lol

Ok so back to my original question:
I do have a Bender Clutch kit on my sled, my sled will hit 9500rpms at WOT.
I know that this is not good, but I know nothing about clutching.
Dropped my sled off at the dealer on the weekend to inspect my clutches.
Well see what happens...
Ya..9500 is alittle too a 1000rpm. There is lots of help here for clutching if you're mechanically (?) inclined....Who is your dealer?
Yes you are right I can't recommend a clutch kit based on personal experience but can recomend doing something. Besides carrying around a bucket to pick up the pieces. And with the extra power why would you want to run a stock helix set up for stock power? By the way I have a maxx perf trail performance on the way any suggestions as far as setup?
Morley, you have to clutch setups from people who know, Turk and Mr. Sled, if that doesn't work for you why not call Bender for advise. I am sure they stand behind their products.
I agree with watersuper, if you have a Bender Kit, call them and tell them its overreving and they need to send you the parts to bring it down to peak RPMs...but be sure to tell them if you have any mods...I am sure their kit was for a stock sled so becareful.

What weights did they give you with your kit??
