What oil does everyone use?

Years back Snow Tech magazine took like six brands they had around and mixed them all together and put it in one of there sleds.They said it worked fine, I guess it proves that most all synthetic or petroleum based oils are compatible.
mulderdad said:
Yup! Its robbery.
I guess,if i lived closer id sell ya some outa my stash for $30,lol,but hey atleast your running a good oil and you can sleep good at night knowing your protected well, ;)!
citgo sea&snow

citgo sea &snow its $3 a quart and its the exact same as yamalube just was put in a different bottle from the same tank of oil!!!!
Turk said:
On the old red head triple use the cheapest wal mart 2 stroke oil u can find!

X2...TCW-3 supertech Walmart special! $9/gallon. 15,000mi on my odometer without a rebuild. :bash:
Well this is the most civil thread on oil that I've ever seen here on TY.....

But then again, Nosboy just hasn't logged on in a few days.....

:bump: :bump: ;)! ;)! ;)!
mntvipermn said:
But then again, Nosboy just hasn't logged on in a few days.....
-It doesn't matter what kind of oil you use. It all comes out of the same big tank in Chicago .......
