Today's ride=was it worth it...baely walking now


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Today's ride=was it worth it...barely walking now!!!

Man the new snow is loose and deep.Pissed me off that I had to sink my 600 down in 3 feet of snow coming up to a crossing.Slowed down after had it pinned steady in 2 to3 feet of powder for 1/4 mile.Then the friggin sled dug itself down as I gave it gas to climb up.That was not a fun time trying to get the sled out.Can I say HEART ATTACK was close.Ski's were so jambed in 1 direction..couldn't move anything.Tried lifting both ends with no success.Smoothed out the snow ahead,dug out under..jumped on ,pinned it..dug down deeper...ahhhhhhh!!!.More digging..jump on and pin the crap out of her rocking sled and friggin got it going.That nearly did me in.Track should off blown up.
Then went behind my house along tree line,drifts everywhere.Didn't seem to bad until I nailed one that nearly stopped me in my tracks.My friggin body rockets out of the seat.My knees jamb against the handle bars,my helmet smacked down to the bars also.Did I ever feel a smack in my neck.
I am going to be so shot tomorrow after this 40 km ride.And people call sledding FUN>>>>>>>>who evented these crazy machines anyways..just so we can kill ourselves.
Hey,I'd do it all again tomorrow..but do not need to get stuck with my sleds.Next time I get my sled stuck,I'll probably end up dead right there from Heart failure..LOLLL
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been there, just about to make some calls to get pulled out but finally got it, other time i did have to get pulled out with a truck. I love to ride off trail but that getting stuck really sucks.
bluemonster1 said:
Man the new snow is loose and deep.Pissed me off that I had to sink my 600 down in 3 feet of snow coming up to a crossing.Slowed down after had it pinned steady in 2 to3 feet of powder for 1/4 mile.Then the friggin sled dug itself down as I gave it gas to climb up.That was not a fun time trying to get the sled out.Can I say HEART ATTACK was close.Ski's were so jambed in 1 direction..couldn't move anything.Tried lifting both ends with no success.Smoothed out the snow ahead,dug out under..jumped on ,pinned it..dug down deeper...ahhhhhhh!!!.More digging..jump on and pin the crap out of her rocking sled and friggin got it going.That nearly did me in.Track should off blown up.
Then went behind my house along tree line,drifts everywhere.Didn't seem to bad until I nailed one that nearly stopped me in my tracks.My friggin body rockets out of the seat.My knees jamb against the handle bars,my helmet smacked down to the bars also.Did I ever feel a smack in my neck.
I am going to be so shot tomorrow after this 40 km ride.And people call sledding FUN>>>>>>>>who evented these crazy machines anyways..just so we can kill ourselves.
Hey,I'd do it all again tomorrow..but do not need to get stuck with my sleds.Next time I get my sled stuck,I'll probably end up dead right there from Heart failure..LOLLL

Dont feel bad I buried mine in the middle of a bean field with knee deep water, never even saw it coming :( ended my day
Wish we would of gotten all that snow here in SW Wisc. instead of the rain now its 7 degrees outside and the snow is like a rock. I am sure I will need the 168 studs I installed today in my sled.

:letitsnow :letitsnow
We got 2ft+ of snow here in Minot, ND. Was out on my Apex Mtn all day, had to boondock in the ditches just to keep goin, was 4ft deep or more there, got stuck in it once and thats how I found that out. Stubble fields full, my yard is like the mtns, boondocking with snow over the hood 24/7, and this morning I was boondocking around the city on the streets, had to carve the corners or you would go straight. Gave 2 people rides, picked up things for a bud from his grandma's house, and helped other sleds get unstuck. My uncle on his 05 Vector Mtn gave up tryin to ride today when he got stuck more than once about 2 miles from his house. Me on my 07 Apex Mtn. :) ride ride ride, was a blast!!
I can't wait for a good base or get to the River,but I heard the River froze with a lot of jagged edges and spurs again this year..that sucks.Sure not used to sleddin in deep powder like snow..keeping it pinned all the time and steering that damn sled yet....lolll. I'd never make it in the Mountains..lmao.
LOL That probably wasn't me as I never went to Minot, but there was sleds that rode around Minot thoug, I was out in the Burlington area.
