ultimax xs BLEW IT

s fortuna

New member
Sep 17, 2003
at 8800 mi on the sled the NEW xs blew at 300 mi :die:
give me a max3 . the old one has a couple thou on it
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yep,my ultimax was working real good to,made my 600 run like a champ.Worked with turk on the clutching.This was few years back. Was pinning it close to home when all of a sudden BOOM...thought I blew motor.The new belt was in pieces after a 50 mile breakin done ,nailed the guard..all spark plug holders ripped off,major dent in footwell and layers of belt everywherer.I was lucky clutches didn't damage from it. I use OEM and always will.I have never ever blown a OEM to date.

That cost me a few bucks..It also took out my speedo cable in the process,the cost of the belt..etc.
Does the XS replace the Ultimax 3?I have had awsome luck with ultimax belts and have blown one in 16-17000 miles of riding and it was replaced under warranty.I also think they grip the clutches better and generate less heat, but the oem is a good belt and should be able to be tuned in to work well.
bluemonster1 said:
yep,my ultimax was working real good to,made my 600 run like a champ.Worked with turk on the clutching.This was few years back. Was pinning it close to home when all of a sudden BOOM...thought I blew motor.The new belt was in pieces after a 50 mile breakin done ,nailed the guard..all spark plug holders ripped off,major dent in footwell and layers of belt everywherer.I was lucky clutches didn't damage from it. I use OEM and always will.I have never ever blown a OEM to date.

That cost me a few bucks..It also took out my speedo cable in the process,the cost of the belt..etc.

I second the part about never ever blowing an OEM belt. Have yet to see an OEM belt blow apart. I have seen teeth chewed up and the outer layer shred to pieces, but never a complete break.
I did one one the other day on the Vmax4, but it was the old 89A belt or whatever they had before the 8BU, only had 500 miles on the belt, but it was 15 years old. Sure made a mess, wound a big clump of belt around the primary that took a half hour to unravel (no knife with me).....Didn't take anything out, but sure made a mess.
Clutches have to be tuned for the belt you intend to use. Not really fair to compare belts without tuning the clutches for each belt.

Any belt that slips will heat up and ultimately fail.
ya it took me 8000 mi to do it . the funny part is ITS A NEW STYLE BELT . the old ones, i had no problem with . back to the NEW AND IMPROVED ???. i sent it in , then told them to give me a max 3 :whine:
As said any belt will blow if clutching is not right. Have had problems with dayco but not oem. Currently putting 250hp to oem belt without a bit of trouble.
well i did some checking now i have a gates belt on there . so i put a air temp gauge right next to the belt . 82 deg. was the highest i saw . the belt only gets warm when i feel it after a ride . so a 9300 mi i puked 1 belt and it only took 300 mi . the ult max 3 started to come apart , but thats why i put on the xs in the first place . it was getting old , but it did not blow
