"Heavy" Apex Mtn?...yea right

grape, what made you jump to a rush? for my trail riding, I wish I had an apex. hell, if I had an apex, I would have a sled still, not a box of parts...



Sooo much fun today, just got the new camoplast extreme track put on!!!
this is by far the best sled I have riden.
"oh yeah, theres no turbo on it,yet"
Great pics, don't get started on the boost addiction, it'll hit you hard. Maybe next year I'll get the MCX 290 kit, hopefully.
SXlover said:
Great pics, don't get started on the boost addiction, it'll hit you hard. Maybe next year I'll get the MCX 290 kit, hopefully.

haha, its on my wishlist as well, probly not going to happen this season or next but the following season I will turbo it or buy an already turbo'd apex from across the boarder(washington in the summer, cheap).


New Camoplast Challanger extreme Track, makes it like Night and Day, amazing upgrade.
