W arm

rx1jim said:
If anyone gets into a bind and can't fix their cracked W arm, let me know. For the cost of shipping i would be willing to help out a TY member. All you will have to do is paint or powder coat the W arm when you get it back.

You're a good man Jim....
I enjoy building and fixing things. I love TIG welding, if I don't have something to weld, I'll weld scrap pieces together to keep getting better at it. Us snowmobilers have to stick together and help one another out. Fixing the W arms is easy and fun for me.
rx1jim said:
Maxximum Performance went out of business a few years ago. If I could get 1 or two cracked W arms, I would start a replacement service.

Cracked or pieces?


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How the heck did you do that!!! That W arm must have started out its life poorly constructed or the sled was ridden over bare rocks!! I have never seen one that bad!! That is beyond repair!!
I don't know exactly when it started, but I knew something was wrong for over 75 miles. The amazing was I could still do 100 mph on super smooth potato fields. I even rolled the sled on it's side 20 miles from home when I stopped for breakfast, and I still could not see the damage. I just knew I couldn't drive over a one inch bump without bottoming out.

It was very obvious once I pulled the skid out. I did not nor ever pounded the snot out of the sled. The previous owner also cracked the W arm and repaired it once.
ive broke em like that before, high speed hard moguls and jumping. usually does start in just one or two places cracking but if you go any farther is when it does that, have done it a few times, maybee he got lucky usually it lets radius arms dig in and ruin the track, learned my lesson on keep going, once it hapened when it was the second ride on a brand new track. ive also got more to add on my first post on the strength of the reinforced ones. last weekend i broke the front arm between the rails that the bottom of your shock, and limiter straps hook too - sheered off the ears on both sides and kept going a few miles cause i was almost home, i had spots in the gussets on the reinforced w arm where the rails hit it when it bottomed out and there is still no cracks in it, that amazes me compared to the junk weak stock ones.
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MySX700R said:
Cracked or pieces?

That's pretty close to what mine looks like. Thanks all.......I had alot of offers from members that had used ones. I bought one from someone on here that was close and only took one day of shipping. I now have the gussets welded identicle to the photos on here. I sand blasted it, painted it and plan on installing it tomorrow. Should be good to go!!

Just found one side broken on my girlfriends 2002 SX Viper. Hard to imagine a 120lb chick could do that, she did say she "caught some air" on our last ride, lol. Looks like I'll pick up a used one and reinforce it for her.
rx1jim said:
I enjoy building and fixing things. I love TIG welding, if I don't have something to weld, I'll weld scrap pieces together to keep getting better at it. Us snowmobilers have to stick together and help one another out. Fixing the W arms is easy and fun for me.
Your a good man Jim!
bluemonster1 said:
a new one here cost me like $250 for my SRX.I ended up welding and beefing up the old one which was in bad shape.I now have 4 w-arms..2 as a spare.But I re-welded and beefed all of them up.They are holding up with not an issue now,better then new.
Im the same way! I have two of them beefed up ready to go just in case i break one!
I forgot about these breaking. I got a parts skid here and my son is a welder. I think I am going to have him reinforce it get it power coated and hang it on the wall. between me and 3 buddies we got seven proaction skids.
LowlyOilBurner said:
Just found one side broken on my girlfriends 2002 SX Viper. Hard to imagine a 120lb chick could do that, she did say she "caught some air" on our last ride, lol. Looks like I'll pick up a used one and reinforce it for her.

Ha, this thread was dug up again. I think that one thing that causes them to break is trailering them.........SALT!!
LowlyOilBurner said:
Just found one side broken on my girlfriends 2002 SX Viper. Hard to imagine a 120lb chick could do that, she did say she "caught some air" on our last ride, lol. Looks like I'll pick up a used one and reinforce it for her.

I'd suggest going through the skid while you've got it apart for the W-arm. I think worn bushings and such are big contributors to W arm breakage based on BeTheViper's posts.
Just pulled the broken W-arm out, all the bushings are totally gone. Going to re-weld the W-arm up tonite, and pick up new bushings tomorrow. Not planning on gusseting it for now. Just going to get her back up and running for what ever we have left of the season.
A new one cost me $250 3 years back for the SRX.I now have a total of 4 w-arms,all are reinforced..even the new one.Northing has cracked yet..I check every spring..


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