clutch springs


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I have a sneaky suspicion that the green spring in my secondary is getting a little weak but I'm not sure if there's any telltale signs of it other than the obvious rpm dropping or slow backshifting which my SRX really doesn't seem to be exhibiting.When I hit it the thing leaps and it seems to backshift fine but on one particular run across a lake today I lined up against a few of my buds for an impromptu drag race and I started out fine.I happened to be beside my friend with a ZR 900 and we were pretty much ski to ski for about a 100 ft or so then mine seemed to lose about 1000 revs for no apparent reason.Well as soon as that happened everyone else got by me but I couldn't get over the fact that the sled lost the revs and I lost the race,pissed me off.I tried it again going back across the lake and it worked fine as it did the rest of the day,every time I hit the throttle it wanted to jump out of my hands. :dunno: .I guess I will yank the clutches off and go through them thoroughly as I actually have an overhaul scheduled for them with all the bushings sitting in my shed.Need to get the finger out of my butt and do it I guess.
Been der dun dat. check powervalves. It will happen all of a sudden out of the blue. Anyway thats what i would look at 1st.
That was my first impression too but when it failed to do it again the rest of the day I figured everything was fine with them besides this is only my second run on the sled and I just had the powervalves all out for cleaning and adjustment.I guess I'll pull em out again.
Your clutching could also be on the edge. That means it is very aggressive & once in a while it just won,t shift out or backshift.
My secondary spring is about 5 years old and may just be due for replacement which has been on my list for about 2 years now :o| but as soon as I get the time I'll check my pv cable settings and pvs again.
