88 yamaha 570
New member
my brakes on my snowmobile are fully adjusted as tight as they go and they still don't slow me down hardly at all, i took the caliper off and it looks like the pad is worn down, the pad looks like its scraping metal on metal, but it also looks like its still got meat to it, does anyone know what size they should be? and how do i get the pad off the chain case part of the sled, do i unbolt the chain-case from the frame and just slide it far enough out to get the pad out? any help would be greatly appreciated. i can also be replied at my email... minilogo1@yahoo.com
New member
I have the same problem on my 1993 Exciter. I have removed and disassembled the entire brake system. I cannot get the brake to work well at all. I need to work on it more but at this point it will not allow me to lock up the track. I have not found the problem yet.
New member
on my 92 exciter, once th brake caliper is removed you should be able to move the disc away from the chaincase enough to replace this pad.

Super Moderator
There were a few good posts back in nov on how to fix this, did it for my friends 91 exciter. Same break as 93 but not sure about 88. I think the 88 is diff. Just do a search for phazer or exciter brake.
88 yamaha 570
New member
i tried searching it, no luck, mabe i could search the phazer tho...

Super Moderator
When i check the microfiche the breaks are diff for the 88, so what i was thinking wouldnt work! sorry dont know the 88's