Polaris 120

We used to override Yamaha gas golf carts with golf tees until they went to an electronic system. Damn those things would hum, but they would smoke really bad. Kept the mosquitos away. LOL

Sorry I can't help with your sled.
stein700sx said:
Got it figured out. Took the hood off and drove up and down the street. Found out how things work in there. Got atleast a few more mph's ;)!
what did you do the governor. i have a 120 also and need more speed.
I put a Honda GX 160 in my kids mini same moter more cc's and did away with the governer all together. And changed the gears. It goes 30 on hard pack
stein700sx said:
I zip tied the spring that goes from the governer to the carb.
I'm sure I'll figure it out when I see it, but you got a picture? Would it be easier to just remove the spring?
YamerDown said:
I'm sure I'll figure it out when I see it, but you got a picture? Would it be easier to just remove the spring?

Sold the little sled so I can't get you a pic. Not hard to figure out the gov spring tho. It's a very thin one located on a long arm coming of the motor going to the throttle. Just zip tie it so the spring can't stretch out.

Must of taken awhile to find this thread. :rofl:
