94 vmax after putting some work into it!


New member
Jan 28, 2006
Grand Rapids Michigan and Kalkaska Michigan
I have had this 94 v-max 600 for a few years now. I took it out for the first time this year after putting some money into it. I put on Plastic skis. Also extended the rails out to 136 and put a 1.5 tall lug track on it. Swapped down to a 8 tooth driver. I swapped the motor out with my wifes old sled motor with way less miles on it and a comet 108 exp clutch. Sled has a Arctic cat secondary and custom jack shaft. Took off the stock bars and got some straighter ones from RSi along with a riser that is 2 inches over the stock height. Also because no one had a tunnel extension I made my own. Just need to get a new tail light for when I have a bag or gas can on the back.

First impression is this thing rips harder than before. Seems to engage a little sooner but will lift the skis just a bit off the ground. Kind of a point and shoot. It does seem to push in the corners and is sometimes hard to turn but may get some other carbides for the skis.




im doing basically the same thing to my sled but with a 1.25 ripsaw studded. are you haveing any issues with not having the cooler moved backed atg all? if not, im not going to bother moving mine. thanks
Please pm me more about this easy steer kit you have. As for the extensions I got them from tracks usa and had to do a little messing to get a nice fit but overall a good buy. They have them listed on there site. I think it was around 150?
As for the cooler I opted for the rear cooler off a ST model that is flat with no bend in it and mounts in the same spot. So far no problems.
