say adios to snow now!


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Canada Ontario
Well here in Ottawa its been raining hard since this morning... I can see the lawn in alot of spots now!

So looks like its time to take trips up north in quebec for some real snow... if they dont get hit with what we did
We got a ton of rain too, no snow left at all.......sad, sad! I've had enough...I'm trying to sell the sled so I can buy a Can-Am Renegade 800 4x4! I will be able to use it year round, instead of having a toy sit in the garage for 11 months, and only be able to use it for 1 month, if I'm lucky! I better stop, before I get too pissed off!!!!
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Yea I know what you mean!... I got a few friends with cottages up about 2-3 hours away so i go there often enough to use my sled... but just when around home... really sucks!... hopefully next year is abit better.. i know they where calling for a warm winter this year... but didnt think it would of been that bad!
same here, i'm just on the other side of the border from you. been pouring out most of the day and close to 50* i can see the lawn in some spots and the fields don't look too great
wow.. what snow? there is no more snow where i live. maye in the bush but i got wide open feilds and driveways and lawns.. totally sucks.
we are just coming to an end to a major blizzard.Finally the winds came and filled in snow in places that never had before.There are major drifts everywhere..finally will be able to do some major jumping and running..And it has gotten much colder,-38 windchills tonight and cold all week.So now we have snow that won't be slushy and should be good for a while... ;)!
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just stuck my head out the garage is friggin cold outside.... :brr :brr
but now the snow won't be melting away.Until I get the SRX fixed,will be ditchbanging with the 600 and drift busting to...sorry guys.....
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lol i gave up on snow awhile back. never got more then a foot or so around here... so now ive been working on a little project haha, watercrossing sled. :P il be posting a buildup soon too has soon has i start getting my stuff ready, rain really sucks but im goin to take advantage of my sled all year round! hahah!

damn.... some of yas are lucky... well we still have a small chance to get some freak snow storms... cant predict nothing... but as of right now... I could run around naked outside and prob be fine sipping a beer on a lawn chair... might be a little cold and hurt my man pride abit... but do able... lmao

but I would def be depressed right now if it was snowing alot... with my sled out for the season
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winds have died down a bit,it is -26 C now..not so bad.I have gone outside in my hot tub in -30 range.Stings for a second until you get in the 104 F water..ahhhh.....but relaxing..until you have to get out..Only got like 5 steps to the Garden Door to get back in the house anyways.Nothing like it. ;)!
hahaha yea... I know the feeling... its awesome on those cold nights!... but sure does hurt the feet abit when there a couple of inches on the deck... especially after being in the tub for a while.. BUT I did find a cure to that.... have a good few drinks in there and your good to go! haha... my parents just got one... but dont have it outside this season as they just got it mid winter... but building a deck for it come this summer I think
lost alot here but there is still a decent base, just need some ontop of it. i haven't ridden my viper since new years day(chaincase problems) and i haven't plowed my driveway since new years day
