Remove decals help!


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I removed my hood decals off my vmax and my buddy did also off his viper and there is a sticky residue. Does anyone know what would work the best
to take this off without ruining the paint or anything? thanks.
maybe try some carb cleaner or brake parts cleaner on a rag? that usually works for breaking up the sticky residue, but im not sure how it does paint, im sure it wont effect it as long as its just a little on a rag but might be something to look into?
X2 for brake cleaner. I use foaming glass cleaner on it after to clean off any residual solvent if there is any there.
heat gun and rubbing like a mother works but hurts after a gone doesnt work veryy good at all
Don't use carb cleaner or break clean,thats a powerfully cleaner will dull paint and or remove it.

use some mineral spirits,it will melt that goo away in no time with out hurting dulling paint.

never could understand why guy's remove the decals
Don't use carb cleaner, acetone or brake cleaner, it will damage the paint. Use WD40, it will definitely remove the decal adhesive residue. I have been using it for many years for this purpose. Always works, no damage to paint or plastic.
Do not use carb cleaner, brake clean, etc. I think Goo Gone works very well, but to each his own. I would just use a blow dryer/heat gun, and start scrubbing!!!
YamahaSx98 said:
I removed my hood decals off my vmax and my buddy did also off his viper and there is a sticky residue. Does anyone know what would work the best
to take this off without ruining the paint or anything? thanks.

I've used acetone, laquer thinner, acrylic reducer and none harm the paint provided you aren't rubbing excessively. Mineral spirits is the least aggressive as is WD-40 but take a bit longer to break down the goo and tend to clog the rag you're wiping with so change often. Goo gone works well I hear but I haven't used it. All will remove any wax you've applied.

As with any solvent, try it on a small hidden area to confirm it isn't too aggressive but I don't think your hood is any different then my SRX.

Using a heat gun to remove them rather than just trying to rip them off cold will minimize the amount of goo left on.

Believe it or not but I used (carefully) laquer thinner, tooth brush and rag on the seat and bar pad to remove the white YAMAHA print with no damage to the seat color (see attached pic). I found this out when a bud oversprayed some carb clean onto the seat of my XCR and smeared the white POLARIS printed on the side.

Can't blame you for removing those hidious decals.


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dont use carb cleaner!
use goo gone or even cheaper use wd40 or any other penetrating oil
let it set a couple of min. and then wipe and repeat process should wipe off easy and then clean with soap and water.
Using hot water,pulling the decal at less than 90*and patience will remove the adhesive and decal. All that will be left is a thin line of adhesive on the outline of the decal. Goo Gone or WD40 or a wax stripper will remove this.A heat gun or hair dryer also works. Most people tend to melt the decal with the heat gun. Never use brake clean on plastic parts unless you don't like the plastic part then go ahead. Brake clean eats plastic. Found that out the hard way :o|
i used lighter fluid and a rag when i took off all my old trail stickers after using a heat gun to loosen the glue. need to dribble it down as you wipe with the rag and need to keep rotating the rag to a clean section as it comes off. took me 5 min to get it all off and looked great after i was done.
something I havent heard anyone mention...... use a dull round edge tool like a 2" putty knife!!! spray on the goo gone let it soak for a min or 2..... scrape with a putty knife then wipe with a rag!!!! so long as you use the knife properly so it doesnt scratch this will make it go ten times faster!!! or scratch the heck out of the paint...... depends on your knifin skillzzzz
Okay i tried everything.....i even used brake cleaner and it didn't work...the closest thing that worked was hot water and scrubbing like a mother...does anyone know of anything that you can spray on and it will wipe off or even need a little scrubbing? thanks
Use Goo Gone and let it sit on the sticker area. It will get tacking and with white T shirt wipe off and REPEAT. This product is made to remove the residue. Repeat and repeat and it will come off.

If you use any of the above except wd? will remove and or dull the paint in that area.
