SRX vs ZR900 ??


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
so, what do you guys think, can i take the zr900 ??

my 2000 SRX is running great, clean and set PV's, newer belt, track is nice and loose, 156 studs in the stock track, I'm running the 8dn-20's loaded, WWW, green secondary at 70 (gonna bring it down to 60 if we race) annd a 52-44 helix.

getting 182 km/hr on GPS in 1 km run (about 113mph in 3200 ft)..

my buddy also weighs about 270, I'm about 210....

i know the zr9 is wicked up to 100mph, but i think the srx will have longer legs (still feels like its gaining after a 1 km run!!)...also, we just had 2 days of rain and freezing rain, now its gonna get cold and freeze over...the fact he's only running 96 studs is gonna play in my favour i think...

need aSRX, it'll be just the 2 of us but i will try to set up a vid. camera somehow...obviously he's got nuthin' to prove beating an SRX but if I can take a sled that's 200cc bigger...i want
Iwould think you can take him no problem. Ive never personally seen a zr900 that ran very well. Surely never had one beat my srx. Now a 03 F7 is another
113 in 3200'? I hope you're running on snow when you are pulling these speeds. There's alot more potential in it. On ice, you should be pulling 110 mph in 2000' without too much trouble.
my brother has an 06 zr900efi and we have raced many a time. I have turks clutch setup in mine with a edge rear suspension. My sled lunches hard with the edge suspension. I get the lead for about 100' then he pulls me by about two to three sleds and that is how it ends. I just can't seam to catch him. I'm not saying my srx is the fastest one out there but it not slow. It just feels like that extra 200cc pulls out on me but it is a good race for that little 700.
hessracing said:
Hey if you do race em post your results I gotta 03 zr900 I have to race with my srx 700 also just kinda been afraid to do it haha

just race the zr if you beat him its with a 700 if he beats you he needed 200 more cc to do it.........LOL :letitsnow :letitsnow
From 1000ft radar run experience, my 01 SRX was 1-2 mph faster through the traps than my brother-in-laws stock 04 ZR 900. After he installed his D+D twin pipes he would take me easily.
I never lost to my buddies zr900 from start to finish with my tripple piped viper,but he weighes 60lbs. more than me.I'm guessing if we swithched sleds the zr would have won.He had the diamond drive efi snowpro with 192 studs and i also run 192.
If you are setup good I think you should have better top end. Keep your run long to benefit the SRX's long legs. I stayed I length up on top end with a ZR900 two years ago with my Viper on a LONG lake. He could out accelerate me in a dead stop drag mostly in the midrange but once I was spooled up I had as much or more. Mine is stock too.
so my buddy got his ZR9 fixed up, we went out sledding yesterday, and I didn't really think I could take him. That thing was rockin in the trails, I'll give him that...

We eventually came to a staked out plowed road on a lake, it was rough at one end so we decided to use that as a launch...first i gotta say, one lane had a nice hardpack section for a launch pad, the other only had maybe 10 feet of hardpack before hitting glare ice, and both lanes had ice and drifted hardpack snow on them, so other than the launch pad, both lanes were pretty equal... the left lane had the good launch pad...

Race 1 i took him right from take off to end (about 2000 feet) by about 3 lengths but he said he was gaining on me and he only lost cause of the shitty lane

Race 2: switch lanes and decide to make the run longer to an icehut which i suspect is maybe half a mile

he jumps the gun (i think, but he says he didn't) and I catch him by the end of the run..he says he hit the brake at the end but i doubt it..but a win for the cat...the only one he got.!!

Race 3...same lanes, i win by 2 lengths but he got me off the line, i blow by him at 500 ft

Race 4...he sees all blue

race 5...he sees all blue

No race 6...his arctic cat is getting down to 1/4 tank, I'm still a little below full....i also consider this a win since we both filled up at the same time....LOL

thought you guys might appreciate a little good news !!

I love my little 700... ;)

yepp, very happy with the results...i think that ZR900 could have more to it though if set up properly, like i said, it seemed like it was rockin in the trails..but that's what he brought out to play yesterday
