2000 SRX 700 Brake Light

to save you rub throughs in the future, re route the harness on top of your motor instead of underneath it. i used black zipties and ran it up from stator, across coolant rail, down bulkhead, then down under the front brass cross brace into its origional hold down clip.
The problem was 3 broken wires up by where the handlebars meet the steering shaft. One black/yellow and 2 blues. I couldn't get my hand under the engine so I took off the pipes, carburetors, cross brace and the 4 motor mounts. I then picked up the front of the engine and put a 2X4 under the recoil side motor mount. That gave me enough room to access the wiring harness from just under the recoil. My only question is, those 2 blue wires that go up to the handlebars. Are they the same? I'm not quite sure which one goes where because they were both broken.
