88 exciter top end problems...

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
hey guys my sled was running bad this year from my rebuild i had to fix ALLOT of bugs, and almost got it perfect, last week i cleaned the clutches out and got a new belt for it and it runs great on takeoff and runs about 7000 rpms up until it hits about 50-55 MPH, then the rpms drop to 5500-6000 and tends to drop speed down to about 45-50, what i think it is is my clutch weights are a little bit flattened out but was told its not too much of a problem, my clutch also has wear marks as if it was spinning with the belt not moving and it started to wear through the clutch but don't think its too bad, and also i didn't take apart my secondary clutch i just sprayed it down with PB blaster and choke cleaner, do you recommend i take my secondary apart or replace my weights? or replace a clutch? I'm usually really good with engine stuff but this on part is stumping me and i don't really care if its fixed but id like to be able to do 85 again, thanks allot for the help in advance...
Need to disassemble both clutches and check bushings and sliders for wear also clean up the sheave surface with some 400 grit sandpaper. It take a special tool to tear primary all the way apart. Get a service manual and it will give all the specs for wear limits.
i pulled my bushings and sliders out, i took the primary apart, just didn't take it off the sled, there was only 6 bolts and the face of it came off with the spring, and i sanded off the sliders and everything so they slid nicely, I'm pretty sure i got the primary good, not sure if the weights are supposed to have flat spots tho, ill get some 400 and clean the sheave surface off, that's where the belt goes right?
