2011's released

Thumper1 said:
I'm still missing the "more sled" part.....

GEE I don't know.........MORE HP, Less weight longer track. Adjustable handle bars, Skis that work, NO EPS and a lot of coin left over to fix it if it breaks. ;)! Go figure. I guess Yamaha is banking on people buying whatever they put out and if it's $100,000 that's ok b/c it's a yamaha. :o| :o| :o|
well, lets see, since he bought a 1000 crossfire, it had to be a '09. since AC doesn't even offer a 1000 crossfire in '10. must have been giving their customers too much sled. anyway, a new '09 apex ltx gt can be had from highlands for $9500 plus tax so you are looking at roughly want your buddy paid. know we are comparing apples to apples (you look smarter when you do it this way). an '09 to an '09. same price. so it has 10 more hp, it has a slightly longer track, and it weights less. it also doesn't have electric start, decent warranty (although not needed), better resale value, better fuel mileage, electronic rear shock, doesn't vibrate your teeth out, foot wells that you can actually put your feet into, dependability, you can start it without pulling your shoulder out of its socket....etc....

but you're right, much more sled...
Thumper1 said:
well, lets see, since he bought a 1000 crossfire, it had to be a '09. since AC doesn't even offer a 1000 crossfire in '10. must have been giving their customers too much sled. anyway, a new '09 apex ltx gt can be had from highlands for $9500 plus tax so you are looking at roughly want your buddy paid. know we are comparing apples to apples (you look smarter when you do it this way). an '09 to an '09. same price. so it has 10 more hp, it has a slightly longer track, and it weights less. it also doesn't have electric start, decent warranty (although not needed), better resale value, better fuel mileage, electronic rear shock, doesn't vibrate your teeth out, foot wells that you can actually put your feet into, dependability, you can start it without pulling your shoulder out of its socket....etc....

but you're right, much more sled...

And you must be getting b*&$n by Yamaha. ;)! It starts on one pull. has had no issues with it what so ever. Handles way better then a dam apex. IT ISN'T A FREAKING TANK but of course weight doesn't matter. Yes it was a 09 and no they don't make the 1000 anymore b/c they figured out how to get 162 hp out of a freaking 800.Who gives a crap about resale value? If Yamaha is so much better why would you sell it? If you read my post his has 200hp with a few minor tweaks to it and that was included in the $10,500 out the door he paid for it with Skis that work. I can't believe how brain washed people can be when it comes to Yamaha. So for 2011 Yamaha has a $15,000 154 hp sled with power steering. Cat has a 161 hp 800 2 stroke for less money. Doo has a 154 hp 800 2 stroke that gets 20 mpg and weighs nothing. poo has a 800 rush that could change the rear skid from now on and Yamaha makes the headlines with power steering Come on :o| :o| If they charge you $25,000 for a 2012 apex with wind shield wipers you'd buy it b/c it's a YAMAHA ;)!
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If people want to leave yamaha that's their choice, I've had no luck with Cats in my riding group, seems I'm always working on them even though they're not mine. Please ride an 11' Apex before you criticize them. Yes they are more expensive, but chances are, if you could afford an 11k Apex, you can probably afford a 13k Apex. Every single person that's ridden one has nothing but praise for them and say they're better in every aspect. I liken the EPS to when Yamaha started making 4-strokes and everyone said "no way, that's gonna be slow". Riding them made believers out of them, and people who've tried the EPS cannot believe the difference it makes. Yamahas are a different breed, always have been, always will be. Yamaha doesn't follow the Pied Piper. "4-strokes will be the end of Yamaha"-2003, lots of Apex's on the trail this year....
I refuse to pay over 14,000 for a snowmobile. I will be looking into the other manufactures. It probably cost them about 3 or 4,000 probably less to manufacture these sleds. I am disappointed with what Yamaha has been doing. Time are tough and they need to make some nice affordable sleds.
sandmanmike1 said:
I refuse to pay over 14,000 for a snowmobile. I will be looking into the other manufactures. It probably cost them about 3 or 4,000 probably less to manufacture these sleds. I am disappointed with what Yamaha has been doing. Time are tough and they need to make some nice affordable sleds.

X2...if I paid 14K plus for a new sled this season and watched it sit in my garage all winter b/c of lack of snow...I'd be even more pissed than I am now. I have to draw the line somewhere. I'd rather use that cash for a down payment on a new GMC HD. I will pay a little extra for Yamaha but not that much. They were a better "value" than many other sleds out there but now I think this price point has breached that perceived value. Will find a new/used Apex out there in a few years. :letitsnow
I will demo the new and improved Apex at snofest in old forge where all four brands will be there doing demos. I've already been on the new doo 800 etec and will try the poo 800 rush along with the apex and F8. The best part is you get to ride one after the other. ;)!
stretchSXV said:
I will demo the new and improved Apex at snofest in old forge where all four brands will be there doing demos. I've already been on the new doo 800 etec and will try the poo 800 rush along with the apex and F8. The best part is you get to ride one after the other. ;)!

Thats awesome! Can I join?
