Question? Oil pump bleeding...


New member
Nov 22, 2008
Dakota, IL
I rebuilt my little brothers 93 Exciter LE that I managed to blow up on him. It was my first rebuild, it went pretty well since I didnt have a manual or nothing to go off of. Started it up drove it bout 6 miles now, checking the plugs and stuff to make sure it looked good. But then I started reading on forums here I should of bled the oil pump. Should I disaaaemble the carbs and bleed it or what should I do? Thanks
I would drain the gas and refill the tank with 50:1 premix. Put 5 gallons of premixed gas in the tank. Next, fill the oil tank up to a level, perhaps an inch from the top. Ride the sled and check the oil level after you have used up at least 2 to 3 gallons of gas. Check the oil level in the oil tank. It should now be down by some amount, if it is, you know the oil is being pumped and you have put enough oil through the system to purge out trapped air. You need to make sure oil is being delivered before you stop usingthe premix. Yes, this will end up delivering twice as much oil as the engine requires but this will hurt nothing.
