Does This Make Sense ???


Mar 18, 2008
Flin Flon,Manitoba
Should get an answer to this one,I was doing a ski alignment the other day on my Venture and doing some measuring and what the H,one side to center of the track is a lot more than the other! Sure, I'm taking line from the same points on the skis and measuring for my toe,I did the 2x4 trick along the track and also put a rod thru the ski posts for 0 (true) line.Measure each side and one side has about an inch and a qaurter wider stance! What gives here?At one time someone bent the control arm slightly,the tie rod tube is slightly out and the ski spindle took a twist,I sraightened the control arm, this still shouldn't put the stance out this much.A dealer told me the bulkhead might be out,nothing looks out or bent or missing,is this typical with a sled with 9,000 kms on her? ;):D
Check the control plate on top of each of the spindles,maybe one of them jumped the splines from a major hit from the ski and spun off the alignment marks.. :dunno:
Good eve bluemonster, yes the top of the post itself is twisted on the splines but this doesn't make sense why my distance is out.The radius rods are fine and when I measure at different areas for refrence ,seems fine like the oppisite side!My camber is at 0 degrees like the book calls for.Seems wierd alright.I don't know what to think.
go to sleep,rest up and tomorrow is another day.You may figure it out another time,just go over everything first and make sure it is by the book..something is causing it and you will find it...something is off for sure.That would really make you plough the snow with the ski's toed out that
got mine turned out 2 1/8 and everything is fine except I still have a lean idle issue.Takes a while before it idles down when off the throttle.My plugs are great to.
Hey good idea come from sitting on throne!I'm going to take center line off my belly pan with a plumbline,that way It'll be better than an off line track!Economy studs in the fire pit,anyway ? for you.Does your tripples pto plug seem oilier than the others?I cranked my fuel screws out to 2-1/4 this winter to richen up the cold idle as she use to pop at -30,-40 until she was good and warm.If I cranked in that pto side to maybe 1-7/8 think this will clear up?
