New member
So today I took out the sled for a ride out across the ponds, not a lot of snow but enough to get around, anyways I struck a rock that was covered in snow, there was no way to see it as it was flat to the shore. Anyways I got it almost all apart except for the bolt on the end of the trailing arm, its bent, the the hole it bolts into but the bolt itself, What do I do now? When I get it off I'll need a new trailing arm and a set of skis. Anyways I really need help with this guys. 

VIP Member
Are you talking about the one that bolts under the running board? Just cut the head off with a hacksaw or an angle grinder. Once the trailing arm is off you should be able to grip it with a vise-grip wrench and take it out. Maybe apply some heat to melt the loctite on the bolt threads.
New member
I might try that. How hard is it to put Bombardier skis on a yamaha sled? Is there anything that needs to be done to the mounts?
New member
I had the same problem a few years back and ended up breaking the bolt off with not enough to grab onto to get it out so I drilled it and retapped it. Kind of sucky job. Looking back I wish I would have tried heat but was to stubborn to wait so I snapped her off.
Active member
If the arm is junk cut off the metal around the bushing.Remove arm than spin the bushing out with the bolt.
New member
how bent is it can you get a socket on it?
Active member
The bolt gets bent so bad it can be a buger to get out.Try undoing the stuff up front of the trailing arm than flip the sled on its side.Rotate the arm the same way as your turning the bolt.It might help break the bolt free if your not into cutting the metal.