Water Pump

well I got the old SRX started today and into the garage.Tore up the lawn a bit....:o|:rofl::rofl:Got the exhaust and headers off and water pump cover.With a little patience I got the mechanical seal off and will install new one tomorrow.I hope this will solve my leak.Got to love that fogging oil,had a ton of smoke drifting here,lucky I don't live in the City and smoke out a neighbor or two.
well it has been awhile but finally got the SRX started today and the water pump leak is gone..go figure why a mechanical seal would of failed in such a short time after a re-build 2 years back.;)!:letitsnow:letitsnow
I don't know if there is any way to tell without just replacing the o ring first and seeing if that resolves the problem. I did mine (oil, mech seal, o ring, etc) this past summer and it does not leak, but I had the same thoughts as you when I was doing the work. Would have saved A LOT of time. For what it's worth, I was able to do all my work with the engine in the sled. I think most guys pull the whole thing. Good luck!
