Was all worth it!


New member
Feb 26, 2009
East Greenbush Ny
Well we finally got some snow here! Took my 5 year old out with me. We had a blast. All the rounded off bolts, fouled plugs, and dirty carbs were quickly forgiven. We went slow through the woods-kinda tight and some open fields. My arms were sore from steering-I could not move to good or lean with him pressed on me. To see he smiling made it all worth it.
I know the feeling and totally agree with you. I worked 36 hours straight on my two sleds in order to take my 16 year old son on a sledding trip to northern NH.. It was all worth the effort to see him have so much fun and enjoy some excellent time with him.
theo125 said:
Well we finally got some snow here! Took my 5 year old out with me. We had a blast. All the rounded off bolts, fouled plugs, and dirty carbs were quickly forgiven. We went slow through the woods-kinda tight and some open fields. My arms were sore from steering-I could not move to good or lean with him pressed on me. To see he smiling made it all worth it.

Could you hear him woo-whooin' through your helmet? Soak it up man, don't get much better.

Junior and I were "huntin'" yesterday in the blind he made in the cat tails... he limited out on gulls, grackles and starlings. He just had to try out his new scope (spent TP roll colored in camo) on his side by side.

Yeah, yeah I know; So much wrong but he's like me when I was young... you can't tell him anything he doesn't already know.
When I took my kids and they rode in front of me until they were old enough to get there snowmobile license. on a one up sled they really can't sit on the back. I don't see it being any safer sitting on the back rather then on the front because when i rode with my kids i didn't run 100 mph thru the trails. always took our time and when we went it was during the week when traffic was light. besides when they fall asleep it is much easier hanging on to them.

i'm sure i'll get flamed by all the safety nuts out there.
sgauthier said:
When I took my kids and they rode in front of me until they were old enough to get there snowmobile license. on a one up sled they really can't sit on the back. I don't see it being any safer sitting on the back rather then on the front because when i rode with my kids i didn't run 100 mph thru the trails. always took our time and when we went it was during the week when traffic was light. besides when they fall asleep it is much easier hanging on to them.

i'm sure i'll get flamed by all the safety nuts out there.

I'd consider myself a safety nut and don't feel the need to flame. I wouldn't think of putting junior on the back for the reasons you describe. Maybe when he's older and can hang on but for now riding up front seems the safest.

I keep him centered on the seat with my knees and can't see him having enough control (his feet dangle off the seat so he couldn't use the running boards to keep him on).

IMO - at his age and stature, up front seems the only way to ensure he doesn't fall off.
sgauthier said:
When I took my kids and they rode in front of me until they were old enough to get there snowmobile license. on a one up sled they really can't sit on the back. I don't see it being any safer sitting on the back rather then on the front because when i rode with my kids i didn't run 100 mph thru the trails. always took our time and when we went it was during the week when traffic was light. besides when they fall asleep it is much easier hanging on to them.

i'm sure i'll get flamed by all the safety nuts out there.

x2 I used to ride my kids in front for the same reasons as you.
Our son was 2 weeks old on his first ride. He rode in a front papouse with my wife. We went all around town visiting. This was when we lived in Grand Lake Co. I see no problems rinding in front as long as speeds are reasonable. And yes much easier to hold on to them when they fall asleep. Memorys made every day. Al
I ride my kids in the front too. We tried our six year old in the back on my wifes sled. Just didn't like how she looked back there. Maybe in a couple years.
My brother in law took his 2 yr old on his 600 SRX in his backyard this past weekend and I guess he had a blast! He didn't want the ride to end. Looks like I will have another riding partner in about 10 years.
No he wanted to ride up in the front. I went super slow. He wanted to be able to see and feel like he was driving. I feel like if he was in the back I would not be able hold on to him. When we stopped he wanted to know what everything was. That is the speedo, that is the RPMs, that is the choke. I let him hit the kill button when we were done and he thought that was neat. I am happy that he is not as timid as my older son was at that age. He kept yelling to do "wheelies" but I kept it slow.
Put kids in front of you until they are old enough to hold on to you all by themselves -- the risk of them falling off the back is worse than of you squishing them, which is a fact. Front is actually safer. Obviously a cautious parent keeps speeds waaaaaay down when a child is with them on the sled.....

We picked up a harness that specifically straps little ones to you in the front. It works great and I recommend them. That way, I can have both hands on the handlebars and the harness holds my son in place.

Half the time my little guy is asleep within 30 - 45 minutes anyways!

And BTW, spending time with the sleds is making him into the biggest sledhead/ wrench you could ever imagine. He just loves spending time with me in the garage tinkering with the sleds.

No he wanted to ride up in the front. I went super slow. He wanted to be able to see and feel like he was driving. I feel like if he was in the back I would not be able hold on to him. When we stopped he wanted to know what everything was. That is the speedo, that is the RPMs, that is the choke. I let him hit the kill button when we were done and he thought that was neat. I am happy that he is not as timid as my older son was at that age. He kept yelling to do "wheelies" but I kept it slow.
Yesterday 12:29 PM

i hear ya, if he hasn't done this yet he will. he will fall alseep and then there head drops and hits the kill switch, your riding along and then baaah, you go WTF and then realize junior is a sleep. funny and good memories. this happen to a friend of mine with my youngest when we went riding together. my son wanted to ride on the RX1 to see what it was like. he fell alseep and hit the off switch. he didn;'t realize it for a few seconds and then he started laughing thru the communicator.

enjoy it. ;)! ;)!
mntvipermn said:
And BTW, spending time with the sleds is making him into the biggest sledhead/ wrench you could ever imagine. He just loves spending time with me in the garage tinkering with the sleds.


X2 - Lots of questions too. Why this and why that.

Can't wait 'til he starts loosing tools ;>)
Those memories are priceless!!!!!!
When my daughter was 7 I bought her a brand new Mini -Z to see her on christmas day when she got it...Speechless brings a tear to my eye...Then to see her out riding made every penny of that sled worth it...You could see her smiling through the helmet,Which by the way HAD to be PINK so everyone new that it was a girl riding...
Enjoy the time's you have with your children they grow up so fast...
