Never use....


VIP Member
Feb 12, 2005
Southern Manitoba Canada
I am posting this so others can learn from my mistake and stupidity.
While waiting for my cylinders to return from being ported I searched around for the parts that I would need to do the re-assembly. Just about fell over when the dealer told me how much the gasket set was. So I searched around on here for gaskets and other info. Found some posts of people re-using the steel gaskets and some that would not re-use the gaskets. I opted to re-use the gaskets. Why? Because we used to do this on our small block chevy's all the time and thot why would this be any different. Well 1200 miles into this season my coolant tank was pushing out coolant. Did some simple diagnostics and found that the head gasket was leaking it's compression into the coolant thus pushing the coolant out. I went to the dealer and bit the bullet and purchased a new gasket set. Getting everything cleaned up I grab the new gasket and think "why is it soo thick?" The previous owner had peeled two layers out and I just re-used what was there. Find out this is not good for my ported motor. I put the new proper gaskets in and go for a teat ride. Problem solved and believe or not but with the three layers of gasket in the throttle response and power is the same or better. I got lucky and did not damage the motor.

Moral of the story, ask lots of questions (even the stupid ones) and don't re-use old gaskets.
daman said:
Base gaskets you can reuse but head gaskets no waaaay!!! never!!!

??????? OK, for everyone that has done the head gasket mod your saying no way? hmmmmk. spray some of the copper gasket material on there and reuse that bad boy!!! done it MANY times! I dont necessarily agree with this post but I have seen a peeled head gasket start leaking after many trouble free miles.

have rebuilt many motors at a dealership, and all we ever did was paint the stock head gasket with spray paint, let er dry and NEVER had a problem!! To each his own!!!!
single steel gaskets are a no no...double or triple layer gaskets, you can get away with... ben there, done it, many times.
Looking back, the price of the head hasket was $75 which is alot cheaper than a rebuild.I got lucky. The coolant could have gone into the cylinders or worse it could have started to suck air in. That would have lead to a lean burn down.

New gaskets=peace of mind
to each their own

I have over 12,000 K on a piped and ported redhead with 1 layer headgskt, no leaks bulletproof. Proper prep and torque specs go a long way.
never bought a gasket for a sled other than srx o rings when they wont fit in the hole. preparation and the correct spray and it will be fine. If I was doing work for others, i would spend there money on a new gasket and tell them no warrenty without them but on my own, never.
Failure is usually a combinations of things that eventually all come together at one time. I think mine was
1. inexperience ........... Not a sled mechanic
2. used thin gasket ....... inexperienced
3. non stock motor..........ported motor
4. non stock pipe............Bender 4x4 pipe
5. available fuel ............. Can't always get premium
6. not doing weekly plug checks.......... lazy

I am sure by changing any one of the six points above, this would not be a topic.
stein700sx said:
Failure is usually a combinations of things that eventually all come together at one time. I think mine was
1. inexperience ........... Not a sled mechanic
2. used thin gasket ....... inexperienced
3. non stock motor..........ported motor
4. non stock pipe............Bender 4x4 pipe
5. available fuel ............. Can't always get premium
6. not doing weekly plug checks.......... lazy

I am sure by changing any one of the six points above, this would not be a topic.

Were the heads -
Torqued in steps-
-in the pattern in the service manual-
-to the recommended amount - ???
never bought a gasket for a sled other than srx o rings when they wont fit in the hole.

I remember cutting and crazy glueing SRX o-rings to make it through a race weekend lol. Probably not a good thing to do on the trail but....:)
I didn't need to read this post.....

Article in TYTech section on the thin headgasket mod suggests that you can reuse them and I have been reading on here for years that they could be reused( I know at my own risk). don't ever remember reading a post that was against it until now either. I have just always used the permatex copper gasket spray like it said. So far I haven't had one leak. BUT, now I know Murphy's gonna get me, he always does. It's all your fault stein700sx. LOL
