Hi Milers With No Rebuild

rx1jim said:
I ahve a 2000 SRX with 12,000 miles on it, mostly long cruising miles. I have not opened the engine yet but bought the parts to do a complete rebuild this spring. I would not suggest running a two stroke this long before performing a top end rebuild and inspection. Better off checking tolerances and bearings earlier than having to buy expensive parts due to a failure. The mileage just crept up on me, at the start of every season I kept saying, one more season, one more season.. Some say don't fix what is not broken but on a 2 stroke, a top end rebuild and inspection is preventative maintenance.
;)! ;)!
i have over 11000 miles on a 97 sx, still running strong. Spedometer been broke for two years. will smoke my srx up to 50. still . one track and some small parts. do you think my 01 srx will make it that long. awsome site!!! all on yamalube
I agree. it might handle a bit better with the lower weight, but no way should it be faster. clutching off? WAAAY off?? lol!
My 96 Vmax 600 just turned 8000 miles without touching it, but 2 weeks ago where the crank comes out of the bottom end and bolts to my clutch, it just snapped off, dont know why...motor just kept running til I shut it down but the crank is snapped now...

Anyways, my older brother has 19670 miles on a 92 Phazer II no rebuilds or nothin and he runs it hard...its clutched, piped, etc. And gets wrecked alot lol
well I asked my mechanic, whom I trust a LOT about yamaha sleds (yamaha tried to get him to work for them in the r&d dept, he turned down because he didnt want to move!!) and he says leave it alone. he said it looks and tests out fine and he has pulled apart a few srx and viper motors with 13k and 15k miles that were all in spec and were not in need of a rebuild. and lower end bearing I think is really a matter of proper storage and how you treat the sled. people that think its a good idea to start them up without getting them very warm are doing more damage than good. you end up with condensation in the motor and if you get a little rust on the bearings they can let go and do some damage. storing it inside helps a lot. I drain the gas and then run it until it dies, using the choke when it starts to stall. ends up flooding with oil, helping protect everything. has always worked for me and my family. dad had over 13k miles on his 96 500xt, I had over 9k miles on my 97 600sx. 8k miles on our 00 sxr 600, etc. we have NEVER had a motor let go and never had bearing go bad in the motor.. I really think it is just how we care for them. my $.02. works for me so I will keep at it!
03viperguy said:
well I asked my mechanic, whom I trust a LOT about yamaha sleds (yamaha tried to get him to work for them in the r&d dept, he turned down because he didnt want to move!!) and he says leave it alone. he said it looks and tests out fine and he has pulled apart a few srx and viper motors with 13k and 15k miles that were all in spec and were not in need of a rebuild. and lower end bearing I think is really a matter of proper storage and how you treat the sled. people that think its a good idea to start them up without getting them very warm are doing more damage than good. you end up with condensation in the motor and if you get a little rust on the bearings they can let go and do some damage. storing it inside helps a lot. I drain the gas and then run it until it dies, using the choke when it starts to stall. ends up flooding with oil, helping protect everything. has always worked for me and my family. dad had over 13k miles on his 96 500xt, I had over 9k miles on my 97 600sx. 8k miles on our 00 sxr 600, etc. we have NEVER had a motor let go and never had bearing go bad in the motor.. I really think it is just how we care for them. my $.02. works for me so I will keep at it!

Crank seals, crank seals, crank seals!!! All the high mileage failures that I've seen have been crank seal realated.
My 2000 SXR 700 has almost 11,000 miles with no rebuild. I have never done a compression test and probably won't. It starts after 2 or 3 pulls, no matter the temp and can still do just over 100 mph (speedo).

Its my second sled and I don't think it makes sense for me to put money into it by rebuilding the engine. If the motor goes, I can probably part it out for more than its worth right now. I don't know what its worth, but with that milage I'd say not much. And if I rebuilt it, I don't think that will up the value that much.

My 2006 Attak with 13,000 miles is my primary sled and will become my second sled after next season. I figure it will have almost 18,000 miles by then and I'll be due for another one. Then I can get rid of the SXR. Both sleds have had ZERO issues motor wise.

I still enjoy riding the SXR...its given me some fun times!!!
Dok, would you rebuild just for the seals, or just look them over for signs of cracking and dry-rot? not that I doubt you, but also never an issue I have had. my 76 merc t/t is on the originals and they are sealing nicely :)
03viperguy said:
Dok, would you rebuild just for the seals, or just look them over for signs of cracking and dry-rot? not that I doubt you, but also never an issue I have had. my 76 merc t/t is on the originals and they are sealing nicely :)
My cousin's sx blew up today...crank seal. I'm rebuilding a viper right now....crank seal. Both sleds are around 15000kms...my buddy's srx went down at the same milage. Now, i see lots of sleds that go further my point is that these are the weakest link in a very strong chain. If I had a 2-stroke I'd change these before they fail...because they just fail not slowly wear out so you have zero warning.
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DoktorC said:
My cousin's sx blew up today...crank seal. I'm rebuilding a viper right now....crank seal. Both sleds are around 15000kms...my buddy's srx went down at the same milage. Now, i see lots of sleds that go further my point is that these are the weakest link in a very strong chain. If I had a 2-stroke I'd change these before they fail...because they just fail not slowly wear out so you have zero warning.

They just fail ??
What happens to them?
