DO your friends SUCK????

Yeah I just might go, depends on the weekend going to Flordia for some SUN and FUN!!! And it just so happens that I like BEER!!!Lets meet up and drink a few suds..
Been friends with the same group of guys since high school. We did alot of riding in our twenties. Some started families and sledding wasn't in the picture. Only one buddy left thats a true sledder, some casual, and some well family first especially with kids. Still friends with all of them, well atleast i think we are! Still hunt, fish, and drink together.

One friend was always the guy talking about going and when we would plan a trip at the last minute would back out. Come up with reasons like sister inlaws birthday, going out to eat that weekend. One time he claimed I told him he was going to trailer with me and I took someone else. What happened was he backed out two days before we left town and i had asked another friend if he wanted to trailer with me. Well I confronted him in front of everyone one night and he admitted the reason he backed out is because his wife told him not to go because we ride to dangerous. She's a controlling noodle head and he has to live with her so we left it at that and we're still friends. So we stopped asking him. He is also good for backing out on other plans we make also.

If you value them as friends ask them why you wern't invited and make your decision from there.
