What would cause this?


New member
Nov 22, 2008
Dakota, IL
So my cousin dropped his sled off the other day for me to work on...Said he had the smartest people ever work on it (YEA RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!) First things I did was hook all the carb and coolant lines up right, put the carb boots on properly and fixed the gas leaks.

Anyways its a earlier model exciter (prol 89 or maybe 90) when you first take off it seems boggy but then opens up, then when it gets somewhat warm the motor seizes tighter than tight, then let it sit 15 minutes and you can pull it over again but wont start that time.

My brothers 99srx 600 before it went would seize up, then you would pull the plugs and put back in and that one would start again.

Are these just cooling problems or?

Thanks for the help!
Well I am just guessing here but if there were carb boot and coolant line issues you had to fix, then then sled most likely had cooling issues because of a lean condintion (carb boots) which caused a lot of excess heat that the cooling system could not handle because the circuits were not complete (coolant line issues) all of which probably led to some internal damage to the cylinder walls, rings, ports and main bearings. I am betting that if you took a compression test with the engine cold and then hot you would find a great deal of difference. Do the compression test and you should have at a minimum 120psi across both cylinders. If there is a 10% or more difference between the two you need to dig into it and find the problem. Myself, I would do the test and then tear the head off to get an eyeball on the condition of the cylinders, rings and pistons. If I were a betting man, I would say that the Ni-casil coating on the cylinders is gone just above and to the inboard side of each exhaust port and the rings are shot (typical of those motors).
On the exciter cold and warm compressions were very similar, it read 124 on the one cylinder and 120 on the other....

Thanks for the reply
Cranks bearings will typically lock and unlock when they are damaged and on the ragged edge of complete failure. Dump a little 2cycle oil down the cylinders and roll the motor over. It will probably give you one more good run before complete seizure. Sorry to tell you tha bad news, but I've seen this happen on a handful of old sleds. Seems like we lost a few cranks on our old SRVs and they acted just like your describing. Saw the same deal on a 570 this past fall.
I have also seen the crank bearing do the lockup thing when they are on the way out. Just did it on my buddies enticer a few weeks ago. He got about 6 rides out of it, and then it went bang.
