secondary clutch install advise( Msrx 98 )


New member
Mar 11, 2009
bc, canada
Just changed secondary clutch , i noticed in the manual there are listing three shims mine doesent have that just the collor and bolt and washer question should it have these shims? and can i use any type of washer to replace these shims? ? also do you have to greese shaft lightly? do these collors wear out or how can i check ? seams like alot of play on the sleeve back and forth splines look good probaly because of lack of the 3 shimes im guessing? im ordering Aaen clutch manual but in the mean time appreciate any help :2strokes:

You add or remove shims to allow 1-2 mm side play. Yamaha designed this so the clutch will find it's own alignment as the motor flexes under load. You of course have to have the clutches aligned very close to allow this small amount of play to be effective. I am not convinced that it is all that effective on most sleds as they wear.

They are simply spacers, but getting the right size to adjust the side-play is the key.

Some eliminate this play and lock the engine down better with a torque limiter to keep alignment fixed.

I like a very small amount of Never-seize on the jackshaft. Do not put enough to get any on the belt or sheaves as it spins. Better to use nothing than to cause belt slippage.
ya its pays to inspect everything for sure , missing a bolt in the back as well no idea how that could come loose and fall out
