What do you do for living?

I am a machine electrician that moved in to controls design. I've been doing this for 15ish years. My current company I've been here 8 years and we build custom automation machines (for companies like P&G, GM, Ford, Toyota, medical companies (i'd list them, but they changes names in what seems like every other week), and many more) If it needs automation, we build it!
Insurance, I do personal insurance, business insurance, life insurance, and health insurance. We work with tons of great companies and have some of the best rates around for anyone in Michigan.
Absolutely NOTHING. Retired 6 years ago, will be 70 my birthday and just getting back into sleds after not owning one for 19 years. First bought a 04 Warrior, rode it a couple days and didn't like it, sent it down the road. Now I have a 02 600 er and a 01 SXR700. Got the SXR apart replacing bearings and installing a reverse kit. Will have it ready for next season. My buddy is 75 and he hasn't ridden in 15 years, he bought a 136" Rage and sold it too after our first trip north. He's going with a 2 stroke too.
Construction electrician by trade, currently a project manager. Majority of our work is Building automation (controls) but we do commercial electrical as well.
