ohlins shock #s

Most Yamaha parts and accessories start with a three digit number. This prefix on the part number usually stands for where the part number originated in the Yamaha world. All new units (snowmobiles) sold by Yamaha have a model code assigned to them by the year they were produced. Example 8EK=02 Viper, 8DN=98 SRX 700, 8FA=03 RX-1. Any Yamaha accessories usually carry the prefix SMA or GYP. Hope this helps. The 8CV number I believe stands for the 97 SX style sleds. The GYP is the prefix for a yamaha performance accessory. The 8DE I am not sure of.
It sure is nice to have a knowledgeable dealer around. I really wish you would put up a store in the Quad Cities, preferably on the Iowa side. LOL.. You probablly don't hear this very often Port Yamaha, but you are greatly appreciated here. Maxdlx PS Happy Holidays
It's funny that you should attach that to this post because I believe the person starting this post called me the other morning and I was a little flustered at the time and didn't have any good answers to his questions. I originally wasn't aware that Yamaha had two different Ohlins listed in the accessory book for the front of the SRX's. I was definitely caught off guard.

I try to help as much as possible on the site but on the overall I think I learn more than I help. Some dealers just do snowmobiles as part of their business but we have a strong passion for the snowmobile end of our business. We all enjoy to ride and keep up with the latest sled stuff. :yam:
