Installing srx MM 136 skid in stock 121 tunnel


Lifetime VIP Member
Aug 2, 2010
cedar springs, mi
Has anyone swapped out there SRX 121 skid for a 136?? Just wondering if the bolt holes will match up on tunnel and if a tunnel extender is necessary. On the fringe of whether or not to do it. Ive never done it before, but like everyone "i learn as i go" Any and all help would be great. thanks.
Do you have the skid what is it out of? another proaction sled? also is it a stock 136 or does it have rail ext? if it is a skid out of a MM than the holes will not match up on an SRX.

Hope this helps
You definately need a tunnel extension. And the bolt holes won't line up from the skid. The best thing to do is find a mountain max with the same skid as you have and measure the bolt pattern off it to use on your sled. Measure from center of drivers shaft back to the bolt holes and how far down they are from the top of the tunnel. I think that the mountain max had drop brackets on the rear bolt holes for the skid so you will have to get some off a mountain max or make some yourself. you will also have to mount your rear cooler further back onto the extension and put on longer hoses going to the rear cooler. I used an extension from a mountain max on mine and I had to trim the sides of the tunnel extension where the rear cooler nipples came out of the sides. It is not too hard if you just take your time and think it through.
^^^^he pretty much nailed it, but you do have other options, depending on what your looking at for the end result. the mtn skids will have more travel than the srx, as will most any other proaction skid, but your stock skid can be relocated in the tunnel and set for a 136 track, you just wont have as much travel. all the above still applies, tunnel extension, drop brackets, etc, but you can change the approach angle and gain lenghth without forgoing the price of a skid, and you may be amazed at the results.
So i just picked up a 136" mountain max skid, track, tunnel ext., rear cooler, and drop brackets for my 01 srx skid mod. I cant seem to find any information as to where the mounting points are. They should be the same mounting points as on an actual Mountain max(sasksrx). Does anyone know the measurements of these, know where i can find the information or have this set up and would be willing to get them for me? thanks.
find anyone on here with a 97-99 mtn max, as they went to 141 in 00, depending on what skid you actually aquired, assuming its from a proaction sled, not a pogo sled. that will give the baseline for mounting dimensions, but since you have a 136 with the steep approach angle, there is a trick or two to help this out.
yea, its def. from a proaction sled...skids identical to the vmax skid i have in my srx right now...what kind of tricks are you talking about???
srxr700 said:
yea, its def. from a proaction sled...skids identical to the vmax skid i have in my srx right now...what kind of tricks are you talking about???
positioning of the front mounts and rear mounts. chances are that 136 skid is a direct bolt in, but thats unfamiliar territory for me. on the 97-99 136 mm, we were dropping the front mount down about 5/8" and a little more for the rear mount. i will have to find my notes. the srx front mount is located forward of the steering hoop, the 00 and newer 141 and 144's were mounted behind the hoop. find someone here with a sled from the 136 yrs and confirm front mount location, and go from there. that 121 vmax skid would have been a perfect candidate for a relocate without extensions to allow for the 136 track.
Not sure which skid you have, but likely the same one that was in the ProAction chassis Phazer Mountain Lite.
oh yea, its def. the proaction skid...looks identical to my sxr skid and my vmax skid...just obviously a little bit longer...larger center rear shock, and the torsion straps wrap up and over the front the skid for a buck50 and is like brand new...pretty excited, just need to find someone whose got that set up and would be willing to do a little measuring for me...thanks for all your help.
If it's the 136 version (sounds like it is), then your front mount will bolt right in. The center and rear will not as the extra length is in the middle of the rail, not on the end like an extension. You need the measurements from a 136 mountain max (97 - 99).
I know that ive been on here talking about this skit upgrade and such...worked till 3 in the morning last night getting my new ripsaw off my srx and on my sxr....heres some pics of what its kinda gonna look like. hands are all beatup!! No pain no gain.


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Yea, i got a guy on here sending me a hartman ext. with rear cooler, hoses, and rear brackets...The tunnels not even sitting on the skid in this pic...just lowered down on it to get a look at it and to keep my eye on the prize.
Ive been told this skid has a steeper approach angle. disregarding tunnel room and what track i using... Am I gonna be better to use a 8t or a 9t on this setup?
the approach angle on that skid is no steeper than the one you pulled out, they reduced the approach angle in later years(2000 and up). 9t drivers are more efficient than 8t, but that track will have clearance issues without using 8t, and your sled will work just fine with 8t drivers. all the oem sleds that were delivered with taller lug tracks used 8t drivers. most people cant tell the difference for normal trail/off trail use.
Well ive decided to stick with the 9t driver to maintain less friction and modify my tunnel protectors. Im planning on changing my stock gearing to 21/40...and work on the clutches after i get it back together.. I'd like to be able to still enjoy riding the trails with it, even though my sxr is primarily my trail sled, but be able to take it out to the track and run 660ft and compete. any ideas, comments, concerns? BTW neighbor just bought a f7....great.
do you have any pictures of it being done? i put a 136mm skid under my viper and the rear mounting you have in the picture is way differant than mine. mine is in the black and white sticker on the right hand side. i was reading somewhere that the tranfer rods and the track should be at the same angle. dont know if that is true. can anyone confirm this?
