Installing srx MM 136 skid in stock 121 tunnel

Somthing dosn't look right there . Your W arm and your rear arm should be paralell to one another so when your suspension compresses it dosn't draw your track tighter then a banjo string . Just loks to me like somthing isn't bolted up right . Just my .02 .
2003VIPERER said:
do you have any pictures of it being done? i put a 136mm skid under my viper and the rear mounting you have in the picture is way differant than mine. mine is in the black and white sticker on the right hand side. i was reading somewhere that the tranfer rods and the track should be at the same angle. dont know if that is true. can anyone confirm this?
if you re-read the post, the skid is just sitting under the tunnel, not mounted, for a visual. the transfer rods should be at about a 30* angle from the track.
