Viper Boss Seat


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
I just ordered another BOSS seat. I had two on the sleds last year and they are so comfortable, I ordered another for the Viper. If anyone wants a BOSS seat this year, order early as I heard they are limiting orders again this year to Nov. 15. Last orders shipped on Dec 1. Al

It's the best thing you can do to your Viper, no matter what model. Triple pipes are #2.........
Are they really that nice? I've been contemplating it, but I just put SLP'S, srx heads and a water rail on this summer, new skis and zx-2 skid last year or so, Ohlins shocks and track w/studs a few years back....clutching, studs, handguards, etc, etc, $1000 a year in upgrades is killing me. If I keep going I'll have about $10g's in the old Viper by the time it's 10 years old! On the other hand, the Boss seat would probably finish it off nicely....
Yes, they are that nice. Single best investment I've made to my Viper. IMHO, the stock 02 seat was a crime against humanity LOL. The weight savings alone is impressive. I ALWAYS rode with my knees bent at an odd angle and my tailbone would be bruised at the end of every day. I installed my Hirise Widetop Flattop and was amazed at how it changed my sled! Seemed firm at 1st, but after 50 miles or so, it felt perfect. PLUS, if you don't like it, you can sell it quick. Check any ad for them selling used and you'll see multiple post's lining up for purchase.
You're absolutely right about the resale Dave....they don't last long in the classifieds. Did you get their LED tailight for yours? I'm leaning towards it more and more.... you guys are good salesmen.
Viper_Dave said:
Yes, they are that nice. Single best investment I've made to my Viper. IMHO, the stock 02 seat was a crime against humanity LOL. The weight savings alone is impressive. I ALWAYS rode with my knees bent at an odd angle and my tailbone would be bruised at the end of every day. I installed my Hirise Widetop Flattop and was amazed at how it changed my sled! Seemed firm at 1st, but after 50 miles or so, it felt perfect. PLUS, if you don't like it, you can sell it quick. Check any ad for them selling used and you'll see multiple post's lining up for purchase.

X2 what Viper_Dave said.....

And the Boss highrise seat was the absolute best mod to the Mt Viper bar none....

And like you Milinocket, I could have a brand new Apex MTX for what i have stuffed away into the Mt Viper......

But i don't know, I just don't regret sinking some cash into her because that triple is soooo smooth and the sled just always performs.

But the Boss Highrise seat is mandatory equipment IMO for the Viper chasis. You riding enjoyment and comfor will increase dramatically!
I did up my own taillight. Went to Farm & Fleet (local place LOL) and looked through their trailer light selection. Mine is actually a light that you mount on the lower unit of a boat so no one runs into it while being trailered. It has probably 12-16 LEDs and is really bright. Fabbed a mount using 1"x1" aluminum angle and bolted it right to the tunnel against the rear of the seat. If I decide to stretch to a 144 or longer, I'll just move it back.
jminor1 said:
Would you run the high rise on a flatlander?

Probably even more important for us flatlanders because we tend sit down more when riding!!!!!!! Off trail or Mountain riding you stand so much.

Don't let a simple led light installation stop you!!!!!



I just put 2 small LED strips togehter on the back of the seat and then spliced the wires together. Then I cut the wire to the plug of the seat of about 4 inches from the plug and spliced those wires to the LED strips' wires. Then i connected it all and shrink taped it all together really tight. Just make sure the wire is like 3 or so feet long to run the length from the back of the seat all the way up to the gas tank. On my Mt Viper, mine had to go a long ways! But then connect everything and woila!

Then I sold my seat on eBay, but made it clear in the auction the seat plug was removed. It sold for a little less than other seats, but not much less.

But I have seen lots of led lights people have rigged up on the back of Boss seats. With some of the creativity some people have, the sky is the limit!

;)! ;)! ;)!

Thanks for the pics Super-- looks good and looks pretty simple, and I definitely like the blue on the seat, but I don't think they're putting colors on them anymore..?.. How did you wire those strips to have a running light and brake light?
I was sceptical at first also. Now I have three sleds with the BOSS high rise seat. This is the best mod we have done at any cost. Now we drive many more miles each weekend. The position you set is much better and more comfortable. Some say, well I never sit down anyway. Ya right. lol. Be realistic. I am just giving advise, if you want a BOSS seat, you better order one soon as they are stopping production for seats early this year, shipping is limited to 12-1-10 Al
Hey Big Al...

Question. What cover fits the best when the Boss seat has been added. Between a riser and the higher seat, I don't think the standard Viper cover would even fit, am I wrong?

GibViper said:
Hey Big Al...

Question. What cover fits the best when the Boss seat has been added. Between a riser and the higher seat, I don't think the standard Viper cover would even fit, am I wrong?


Well, after I raised the handlebars about 4", installed handguards w/ mirrors, and installed Boss seat......

My best hope for a cover was an aluminum one!!!!!


These she is: nestled nicely in her ride!!!!!!

;)! ;)! ;)!

