checking clutch alignment viper

full tilt viper

New member
Dec 1, 2004
Southern Ontario
I have the correct center to centre,but should the secondary be perfectly square or do you have it a bit angled to allow ( when loaded ) the clutches to run straight.I have a torque limiter installed an was almost fully extended to get the correct centre to centre.

The torque limiter should eliminate most of the need for setting at an angle. I set mine at right on square, but I have the SRX torque arm which in my opinion is way better than the aftermarket ones. The stock mounts are way too soft if you are trying to get every little bit of efficiency out of it. However, going to hard aftermarket ones will transfer more vibration and noise. You will notice this most in the handlebars.
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Ding is right on


OE Limiter is the best in my book. C to C is a non issue as the limiter set it automatically for the most part. I leave a "very" slight gap to compensate for the rubber to compress in the limiter.
