sno-x viper #2


Apr 5, 2007
Lee Center, NY
picked up an 02 viper this summer, been working on it all summer and on weekends home from school


samjackson, nice work, my rails are hitting my cogs so i have to trim the rails and throw an anti-stab kit in there. i took it down the field and when the suspension compressed it made a horrible noise and i concluded that that's what it was. not long til we get snow now, just a few items to finish up and i can start ripping this thing
snoprokidf6 said:
samjackson, nice work, my rails are hitting my cogs so i have to trim the rails and throw an anti-stab kit in there. i took it down the field and when the suspension compressed it made a horrible noise and i concluded that that's what it was. not long til we get snow now, just a few items to finish up and i can start ripping this thing

It could also be the back end of the skid catching on the tunnel protectors (if you have them). I've been talking with a guy thats been helping me with my IQ install and he said that the first one he placed his holes 5.5" down from the top of the tunnel and his track got caught on the protectors and bound up, he said to make sure you allow for enough clearance in the back.
my front suspension is just the stock shock set up with iq 440 springs thrown on, stock mounting locations, brackets and trailing arms, the whole 9 yards all stock, just different springs, firecat springs work as well, i maybe switching to these as they are softer but wont be able to tell until snow flies

- as for my track catching the rear end, i have yet to check this, i did see a post some where when someone was putting an iq in a srx and has this problem, my rear skid is out of a pro x so i used the measurements from a pro x chassis, i have yet to do the 7/8'' drop modification and will be doing this soon. i wish school was closer to home because i have soo much to work on i need to make lists haha
switched the springs for increased ride height and a little stiffer set up, the stock springs IMO are not stiff enough for what i'm doing and when the sled is on the ground, doesn't use it's full travel, it sags way farther than it should, i'm guessing the stock springs were sacked so i picked up these ones, plus their white ;)
got some snow saturday and got a chance to get out the sled, put 25 miles on between saturday and sunday just buzzin around the field and trying out some different clutching, the rear skid works good as far as i can tell, i like it, the front feels a little stiff but i need some moguls to try them out in, over all happy with the sled, can't wait for more snow and more cash flow to get some more parts haha, 8 tooth drivers came off and are for sale
my brother's viper is next to mine, if i had studs (and weighed 225) they'd be pretty even i think
my buddy also came down with his 89 400 mod and put some laps around the field on it, think rips haha
Nice looking viper men...Your friends don't like seat I see...When is yours coming off.....hahaha.

Enjoy and be safe.

haha mine's staying on, we just installed an srx cooler on the other viper so he was running it around, bringing it back in then bleeding it, the 400.... well that kid might have a seat soon, who knows!
hey man i want to do the exact same thing to my sled im in the middle of an m10 install so the fronts gonna sit way too low! how much did it raise your front end? looking for a cheaper alternative to try b4 i go too fox floats custom brackets.
with the addition of stiffer springs on the front, you'll see that you have roughly 2-3 more inches of travel that the stock springs never get a chance to see because they are too soft, installing an m-10 and stiffer springs on the front end would perfect for what you're doin, and a lot cheaper IMO, only need to buy 40 dollar springs versus 20 dollar mounts, modifying them then fox floats

well spring is in the air and it's time for an over haul, striped the sled down to bare bones. I started off needing a right side trailing arm but once i got going i figured i'd pull the motor. I found a broken PV cable which would explain why i was never pulling the correct rpm's the last few rides. also found a few seized bolts that are going to be getting replaced. better now than during next winter. Opened up the motor as well and found this, compression pretty good, 120+ across the board but pistons look like they are getting some blow by, any confirmation, also, should i do just the rings or go ahead and do pistons and rings, money is a little tight as a college student just wanted 2nd opinions.
