Strange wear marks on clutch..what gives here??

its not like it was a tool or anything like the others said because it looked like somethin rubbed for alittle while..somethin was def rubbing to make it look like that..but nothen in that area like u said so u got me..
can't explain it.I colored the marks today and after 50 miles there is no wearing going on.So don't know what gives.I know it is not from a tool against it or something.I feel better now at least.Thanks for your replies guys.
Ok,,crazy........... you must be crazy .,,, Ok crazzzzzzzyyyyyy,,,,,,,,, toys in the attic ,, are crazy.....
Purchase new,,, (brand New) clutch and let us know what happens... I'm sure all will be OK then........ Have someone else install...and also take it for first test drive.. you can look for sparks...he ha......
That thing is misaligned. Take it off the sled, remove the spring and see what happens when you open and close the clutch. Also check whether the spring is binding, maybe it is twisted, forcing the clutch halves to do the strangest things.

bluemonster1 said:
I noticed tonight as I was checking things over.On the clutch,the area where the rollers are mounted above the weights,there are like wear something is touching and grinding material of the left side of the tower or part that the bushing and rollers go thru.All 3 of them have these marks. Nothing in the clutch comes in contact with this area,what is doing this then.Got my spare clutch on the bench and I move the sheave up and down.there is nothing anywhere that would contact the side like this.Now this is blowing my mind to see this.If this gets'll weaken the area won't it.What gives here.I may take a file and smooth them areas out and then put a black marker on them to see if it will get grinded again and if the black marker ink disappears.NOW this is a new one for me.
nothing is wrong anywhere.Everything running smooth as of yesturday.Them marks must have been there before,don't remember as of last season.I think some of them marks where there last year to..just seemed a little to fresh.Clutch bushings good,spring good,weights good,belt good,gauard good,speedo good,mounts good,exhaust good,steering good,motor good,seat good,track good,skid good,ski's good,MUST I GO
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