We are finally starting to get some snow and .......


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
The weather forecast is calling for 50mm (2") of frickin rain on Monday,man talk about depressing.The temps have actually started putting some frost in the ground and we have about 3-4 inches of snow down right now enough that if I wasn't laid up sick I'd have my sled out in a couple of fields ripping the hell out of it.Man I hope this isn't going to be a sign of the type of weather we're in for around here this winter.

i'm still waiting for last weekends forecast of almost 30cm. I feel your pain, I'm in the freddy area and we have nothing to speak of.
We've got about 1.5 inches down (don't think that I haven't been tearing up the lawn in it) here and rain and 12 degrees in the forecast for monday. It's torture to hear everyone else on here talking about going out!
Rustman said:
i'm still waiting for last weekends forecast of almost 30cm. I feel your pain, I'm in the freddy area and we have nothing to speak of.
I was quite surprised to hear that you guys got squat last weekend when you were supposed to get the brunt of the storm,we got a few inches on the lawn now but come Monday that will be history.
after our cold spell of -32C and windchills to -36 for the next few day,it will ne warming up and calls for snow everyday for the next week and then right into xmas.We already have been riding on a smaller River today and the ice is great..wish I had studs on my 600 only..a lot of sideways and 360's being done today..lol
yeah I heard some places there the snow is so heavy,they took the snowploughs off the road.. Don't think it will be good for us in the spring if you guys down South keep getting this kind of snow.Can you guys build a huge Dyke and hold the water back in the Spring please..thank-you.There are places right now here in December that are being flooded right now because of high water conditions...in Dec..never seen that before.Come Spring bad things are going to happen then because of saturation.
did ya catch our latest forecast...70mm of rain overnight into tomorrow! rain..are you kidding me? It's time to head west for a visit, I got family in Brandon.
lets go up north ken im told theres snow in mcadam...ive got a few good size patches torn in the lawn as well...
is there enough to ride? without tearing thigs apart. Just waiting on a PV cable for the SRX. Could take one of the vmaxes though. You dont have any extra main jets by any chance?
went to bed last night had around 5 inches and woke up this morning to nothing left!!oh well!!!
