Re-Cover Seat

The Grand Pooh-Bah

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Moscow, ID
Has anyone here re-covered their seat? If so do you have any tips you'd like to share.

My seat had a few cuts and the stitching was coming apart. I pulled the seat and discovered the plywood base was rotted. Now that I have the plywood removed and the cover pulled off I'm at the point of ordering a new cover off e-bay $103, ordering upholstery online (??) and making my own, or taking the seat to an upholstery shop.

I'm leaning towards ordering the upholstery online and having the wife dis-assemble the cover to use the pieces as a pattern. Can this be done on a regular sewing machine with a heavy duty needle? What kind of thread would you use?

There is some mold on the foam. What should I use to kill this...bleach??
I would buy a cover. I am cheap and I would still advise doing this. I think you will be happier with the results. Dennis Kirk probably has a cover on sale and free shipping. I don't think I would use bleach on that old foam.
They don't have a cover for my seat. The only place I have found one is on ebay ($103) or a factory cover for $200. Ive seen the material for $18-20 per yard.
I would buy one. I remade one for an older sled that they no longer made covers for and it was alot of work. Buy one if you can. Did I say it was a lot of work?? It IS!! So again... Buy one, whether it is a replacement from Denny Kirk or one from Ebay, or if you like to spend alot of money, one from the dealer.
