temp light flashing at 75mph??

I went thru 2 of them on my 98 so thats why i mentioned it.Ushally would blow the top off the coolant res when it failed.Like don says you have to look at problems with the wireing because it will cause goofy things to happen.If you think it gets hot pull over and look over the sled.Are the coolers very hot 2 touch the moter ect!
Well I've went threw everything! Thermostat good plenty of coolant power valves are working fine heat exchangers never get hot to the touch. Light just flashes on at about 75 and keeps flashing at wide open until I let off, then it doesn't do anything??
Ok well I finally got it to the lake and opened it up. Was able to read the sequence of the temp light and it flashes seven times. Which would be the servo..as far as I can tell. The servo is working because when I idle it down the servo does open up. So what could be the problem?? I can't find any shorts in the wire anywhere.
probably wrong adjustment of those power valve .........let uss know how u adjust them u make a error somewhere
check to see went it goes under 900rpm if the power valve motor open all the way or giggle ..if it giggle the cable are set to tight ...
it turns back like normal at 900 rpm and doesn't wiggle or nothing the valves are set perfect checked them a dozen times.
ok, so I read you finally counted, if its 7 times your right, on the power valve servo motor, so its either locking up or it has a short in it somewhere. Could be the wire for the servo motor, check the power wire and it comes from the cdi, so make sure the wire is not chaffed from cdi box to footwell and follow up to motor. A good continuity check would also be good to see if its in good shape.

or the servo motor itself faulty.
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I had this happen on my 98 also. Turned out to be main jet unscrewed. Only noticed at wot above 70 mph with temp light flashing. Would run perfect otherwise.
Chased the servo wires all the way to the cdi, and no bad wires. What am I looking for when I test the servo with the multi meter? Gonna try that next cuz I don't wanna spend a hundred dollars on new used one that could be junk anyways.
I will tell ya what, I have a couple of good servo motors, I will be willing to send you one and you can try it and see if its the motor, if it is you just pay me for it after if not, at least you know its in the wiring somewhere, and just return it to me.
That's great thanks. The place we have up hear for parts is kinda sketchy as far as taking there word that it works. Should I pm you my name and address? Thanks again.
Good topic, My SRX700 is doing the same thing.

I had the powervalves serviced and tested recently, so I think that is not the issue.

It did do this last year, so I thought it was heat as well. I topped the coolant and it went away. Now I see it is back again this season. I do have a ding in the front exchanger, so it does drop mere ounces of coolant over the summer in storage. So I am going to top off once again and see if it goes away.

Other than the light, this thing is running very well. It ran so hard I almost thought it was a light flashing when I was bouncing off the rev limiter. I was not sure if it even had one as I had not run it so hard in the past. Just so happened to have found some long straight groomed ditches that allowed for it. There just are not that many safe places to open this beast up for miles at a time!

Keep us all in the loop on what you find out!
powerssrx700 said:
Ok well I finally got it to the lake and opened it up. Was able to read the sequence of the temp light and it flashes seven times. Which would be the servo..as far as I can tell. The servo is working because when I idle it down the servo does open up. So what could be the problem?? I can't find any shorts in the wire anywhere.
my sled does the same thing. it flashes 7times and starts flashing at 70mph or so. its gotta b a wireing prob cause i know on my sled i adjusted the pv's to spec after i cleaned them and checked the servo so thats what im thinking is wrong on mine also
Mine turned out to be the adjustment of the power valves. Even though I had adjusted them several times to the proper specs.. So I thought it turned out that the person who had it before me put a new cable on and tightened it way to tight. So when I would set the servo, it was not opening up all the way. My suggestion to you would be to make sure everything is clean and loosen the valves at the adjustment and then reset your servo to full open and adjust from there. if that is not the case you probably have a rub through under the motor or near the bar pad, which I have had happen. This would also most likely cause your lights and gauges to act up.
I was out on my viper yesterday and had my temp light come on 2x as well. I think it was because of lack of loose snow for cooling. I think I could also feel drag form the sliders. This was in the morning. Never had a problem the reast of the day. Is there an additional heat exchanger upgrade to provide extra cooling out there?
