a welding question

Ok i must have you mixed up with another guy that posted about a bog and than found out the bearing went dry than looked for another jackshaft sorry!But that is why its cracked is my point.
don't know what else to tell you.If it continues to crack..I will replace it.The jackshaft does not shake side to side,up or down in the bearing,she is tight right now.I always check the jackshaft for play at the bearing once in a while.
next time I take the SRX out for a good run and come back home,I will place my hand over the bearing and area and see if it is heating up or not just as a possible clue..
Torque thats it.It was done when you had past problems a year or two ago i would look it up but you have 2 many bloody posts anywho good night!
good possibility then..I agree. I had the bearing set screws loosen up and the shaft was being damaged from that.Had to change the jackshaft and changed bearing at the same time,but never noticed any crack on the retaining plate....
yeh,I am having bad luck with hitting things thisseason.I sur hope that snow they say is coming..shows up.The Red River is starting to get rideable.But still not going all the way.We went down St Marys road to St.Adolph the other day.Boy the Floodway system going east is a nice area to ride.We went up to HWY 1 bridge location.I have to take my SRX out there.I can really wind it out,nice and smooth all the way,and wide also.We may try one day to ride to Lockport on it..really nice route to ride.
Well I hit an ice break, unaware of it and it sent me flying up to have the rear of the track catch (studded) with snow/ice that made the sled complete the jump.
Wow. Make trails slow and than have fun on a frozen lake...
