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Well I did a search and wasn't able to find out much so here it goes. I got an SRX this year, it has an amazing amount of power, as I expected, however the handling is the worst of anything I have ever driven (340 Olympics included). The back end fishtails quite a bit, however that is not my big concern I am just mentioning it in case it helps anyone diagnose what my issue might be (if it has to do with suspension transfer or something). I have a boss seat on it so I would be sitting a little further ahead on it than normal so I would think that would help put a bit more weight on the skis, but when I take the corners (ungroomed and groomed trails) the, thing pretty much wants to plow straight ahead and you really have to lock your foot in the running board and pull all your weight out over the side to get it to turn at all. It is a lot of work when everyone else in front of me is basically just casually driving. I drove the same trail on the AC F7 and had absolutely no issues whatsoever. Being not very mechanically inclined, the only things I can eliminate are the runners, they are carbide and there is still lots remaining. they are only singles but so are the other sleds that are out handling this one. And the track, there is still lots remaining and it is studded but as i said, I am not as much concerned with the rear traction as the front anyway. Any help would be really appreciated.
New member
i dont know what is wrong but something is seriously wrong my srx is hands down the best slot-car like handling sled ... anyone that rides it says the same thing simply untouchable on groomed trails...

check your limiter straps.Way to loose and ski's don't bit much,tighter put more to the ski's.I had simmions skis with dual 60 degree carbide with 120 studded track.I have takem corners at 70 with no problems on ice and a little snow on top.You will have to make some adjustments somewhere I figure.
New member
Mine rolls threw the trails like a king. handles better than any other snowmobile I've owned check your ski alignment and play with your limiter straps. Make sure your tow is set a little out, use a tape measure.
Are you sure about your runners? I just bought a 00 SRX and the handling was god awfull horrible! I put on new a new set of carbide runners and it was like night and day difference. Now it handles like an F1
(The old runners were really really worn out though.)
If the runners are not the issue, I guess your ski pressure is just way to low. Try adjusting the limiter straps(tightening I guess?
) as the above poster said.
Are the skis stock? A poorly fitted set of aftermarket skis could probably affect the ski pressure allot? Just guessing here

If the runners are not the issue, I guess your ski pressure is just way to low. Try adjusting the limiter straps(tightening I guess?

Are the skis stock? A poorly fitted set of aftermarket skis could probably affect the ski pressure allot? Just guessing here

New member
my srx handles like a rocket.... nothing handles better!
New member
Spinner18 said:my srx handles like a rocket.... nothing handles better!
mine handles good just beats the cap out of me LOL
Increase rear spring tension, pull in limiter straps,, increase front shock preload.... Do adjustment one at a time and evaluate......
New member
rockets dont really handle that well, at least the last time i went to the moon i had no control...Spinner18 said:my srx handles like a rocket.... nothing handles better!

look up betheviper in the members list he has links in his signature to setting up your suspension. as the others said a properly setup srx handles on rails so yours must be way off
New member
thanks guys, I found the stuff from betheviper an I'm going to go over it today to see if that helps... I really hope that's the answer. I'll let you know.
New member
I went through the suspension with the manual and a tape measure and everything is to the exact middle of factory specs except the straps, the straps are 100% tightened when normally the nuts are apparently supposed to be 1 1/4" from the top. If anything shouldn't this have made more weight on the ski's and the cornering be better? All that putting less thread on these is just going to do is let the middle down more thus making it more of a teeter totter effect. Is is possible that the wrong straps (too long) are in there so they just tightened them all the way to make them as good as they could be or is that not likely.
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mattyg1405 said:rockets dont really handle that well, at least the last time i went to the moon i had no control...
Really? My gsxr 1000 handles just fine, moon was a little bumpy but gotta sacrifice something

New member
Also, I don't know if I missed it or not, but what skis and carbides are on it? If you have those dually runner carbides on it, that's your first thing to fix.
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Wayne084 said:Well I did a search and wasn't able to find out much so here it goes. I got an SRX this year, it has an amazing amount of power, as I expected, however the handling is the worst of anything I have ever driven (340 Olympics included). The back end fishtails quite a bit, however that is not my big concern I am just mentioning it in case it helps anyone diagnose what my issue might be (if it has to do with suspension transfer or something). I have a boss seat on it so I would be sitting a little further ahead on it than normal so I would think that would help put a bit more weight on the skis, but when I take the corners (ungroomed and groomed trails) the, thing pretty much wants to plow straight ahead and you really have to lock your foot in the running board and pull all your weight out over the side to get it to turn at all. It is a lot of work when everyone else in front of me is basically just casually driving. I drove the same trail on the AC F7 and had absolutely no issues whatsoever. Being not very mechanically inclined, the only things I can eliminate are the runners, they are carbide and there is still lots remaining. they are only singles but so are the other sleds that are out handling this one. And the track, there is still lots remaining and it is studded but as i said, I am not as much concerned with the rear traction as the front anyway. Any help would be really appreciated.
Sounds like you got a problem there. My 98 SRX 700 handles like it's on rails on the trail. It's pretty rough over the bumps, but when it comes to handling, it's like a ferrari!
Best handling sled I have ever ridden. IMO.
New member
You mentioned that you still have the stock skis on it, and the carbides are good. How many inches of carbide are on the runners. Secondly, is it a stock track and how many pics do you have in it. It could simply require you to put more agressive carbides on it if you say that your suspension is in spec. Is the rear suspension working properly, W-arm is good, shocks and springs are good and nothing binding or broke?
How is the sled in a straight line, does it launch, spin or lift the skis? These things might help guys diagnose as well. Puzzeling...
How is the sled in a straight line, does it launch, spin or lift the skis? These things might help guys diagnose as well. Puzzeling...
New member
Well, I got everything to yamaha specifications and is still handles like crap. Also the fact that you have to buy a bunch of tools in order to adjust the shock/springs is a real bitch. The sled has factory Yamaha skis on it and just normal carbide runners. I'd buy new skis and runners but that just seems like a band aid for a bigger problem if this sled is supposed to actually handle with a normal setup.
New member
onlything at times goes thur tight corners on 1 ski with thumb still in the throttle lol
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meat12 said:You mentioned that you still have the stock skis on it, and the carbides are good. How many inches of carbide are on the runners. Secondly, is it a stock track and how many pics do you have in it. It could simply require you to put more agressive carbides on it if you say that your suspension is in spec. Is the rear suspension working properly, W-arm is good, shocks and springs are good and nothing binding or broke?
How is the sled in a straight line, does it launch, spin or lift the skis? These things might help guys diagnose as well. Puzzeling...
There is 1/2" of carbide until the plastic. The track is 3/4" with 192 studs. W-Arm seems fine as with the rest of the rear suspension. Straight line, the sled takes off pretty flat, an hooks up pretty good. The skis might come like 1" off the ground as soon as it climbs a couple thousand rpms over idle if you nail the throttle from a stop and are leaning back, but it won't wheelie (I don't want it to either obviously) and if you are putting your weight foreward or more balanced it just seems to hook up pretty decent and just be really light in the front (trail conditions).
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