modsrx said:anyone got a chart for primary spring rates for a 81 enticer 250 ..spring is 90501-55559-00
modsrx said:where did u get that ........ can't find any info about it ....and yes the spring is blue
modsrx said:thnx bob i guess u have better eyes than me still cant find it on the aeen clutch book
needaSRX said:if you don't mind MOD how about rates on these primary springs
Maxx white
Hauck orange
Maxx blue
mopar1rules said:maxx white= 60/135kg
hauck orange= 55/136kg
maxx blue (short cover)= 53/101kg
forgot the rates:
maxx white= 2.27kg
hauck orange= 2.45kg
maxx blue= 1.45kg
modsrx said:thnx bob any listed spring with a little bit more preload and same total force