Check Your Fuel Vents


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2009
Northwestern Ontario
Just a heads up.

It seems there have been a few TY members that have had their fuel tank vent fittings pop off the top of the fuel tank on SRXs and Vipers, I also believe it could possibly occur on SXs, SXRs, and Venoms as well. It usually is tracked down after a strong fuel smell when the tank is relatively full.


Inspect the fuel vent fitting 90 degree elbow where it presses in to the metal flange attached to the left hand top of fuel tank. This fitting is located on left top of tank, under steering hoop right where the airbox securing bolt is located.
If vent is loose reattach by pressing back into flange, I used green loctite on mine to prevent it from coming loose again.

I believe this occured on mine when I raised my handlebars.

sideshowBob said:
Just a heads up.

It seems there have been a few TY members that have had their fuel tank vent fittings pop off the top of the fuel tank on SRXs and Vipers, I also believe it could possibly occur on SXs, SXRs, and Venoms as well. It usually is tracked down after a strong fuel smell when the tank is relatively full.


Inspect the fuel vent fitting 90 degree elbow where it presses in to the metal flange attached to the left hand top of fuel tank. This fitting is located on left top of tank, under steering hoop right where the airbox securing bolt is located.
If vent is loose reattach by pressing back into flange, I used green loctite on mine to prevent it from coming loose again.

I believe this occured on mine when I raised my handlebars.


Even though it's a vet line, I found it odd that Yamaha would use a tappered fit type connection. I too found mine loose a few years back and also used green loctite and tapped it in.
Found mine did that exact thing last year on my 99 sx. I just tapped it back in and have been watching it ever since.
While you're checking fuel vent....
Check your Oil Vent line also.
Son's '99 SRX got moisture in it and froze.
After 2 motors, we found the blockage.
Boy, was that expensive!

I had to reinstall the fitting in the SXR, I replaced the vent hose at the same time. The vent hose was brittle and had shrunk. Al
Yup-had mine pop out last a pic of me trying to fix it trail-side while a buddy with a 4-stroke Yami gives me sh*t . Glad you reminded me so I can fix it permanently with green loctite !

Note: he had an aluminum coolant pipe on his Attak split on the next trip, and I towed him out of the woods. Serves him for laughing at me !!!


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PhatboyC said:
You guys have any pictures of these vent lines? Wouldn't mind checking mine.

Don't have a pic but Bob's discription pasted below is right on. You can't miss it.

This fitting is located on left top of tank, under steering hoop right where the airbox securing bolt is located
Huh I'll have to check mine. I have a slight fuel smell after I fill up. Never noticed any leaks, just thought it was normal. I'll take a look ;)!
