02 Viper with 1.25 ripsaw what Lgth stud


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Cloverton, MN
I am about ready to install a new 1.25 Ripsaw track. I will be replacing the the drives with 8 tooth anti ratchet drivers. I would like some input on how long and what type a stud people recommend. And did I miss anything as far as what I should do to eliminate any problems?
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I'm pretty sure that you will have a tough time with studs on a 1.25 track. Even with the 8 tooth drivers. This has been discussed here quite extensively. Try the Search option here and settle in and read. I'm positive will can have all your questions answered
I have pulled alot of info off this forum by using the search. As you can see I haven't posted to many times. There is alot of info on the ripsaw, and it looks like some say you can stud if you go to a 8 tooth driver. But i can't find anything about how long or a stud preferance on the viper. There is some info on the SRX. So far I am thinking 144 1 3/8 woodys. Has anybody tried this setup and if so are there any problems I should be concerned about.
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