02 Viper over rev and clutching

i would try the spring changes and rivet changes, before spending the $$$ on a new helix. you might not need that helix. what weights did hartman tell you to use, when they said to use a 48/42 helix?
I had talked to Mountain Performance. I never did ask about weights. I know i can get it running/revving right with the rivets and changing the wrap and having cleamed the clutches. I have never riden another Viper so I was just wondering if i might be able to get more out of it with cluth updates. I didn't really want to get into changing too much because it might lead to changing the weights. I also don't know the sleds gearing.
02ViperMtn said:
I had talked to Mountain Performance. I never did ask about weights. I know i can get it running/revving right with the rivets and changing the wrap and having cleamed the clutches. I have never riden another Viper so I was just wondering if i might be able to get more out of it with cluth updates. I didn't really want to get into changing too much because it might lead to changing the weights. I also don't know the sleds gearing.

right, that's why i say just change the rivets and secondary spring and wrap for now and try it out. you can then see what it runs for rpms and then decide if you need to change the primary spring.
went sledding yesterday, changing wrap from 90 to 70 was an awesome change. I am right in the sweet spot now on the RPM and it didn't seem to effect any thing else. Thanks for all the help guys! Unfortunately I took out a trailing arm.
