what's your age?

Fifty something here rode first sled in "74"-an Artic Cat, I still remember the leopard skin seat. And then I had the privilage to ride a Rupp talk about noise pollution :WayCool:
40 :o| :o| :o| ;)!
Come on , where's the rest of ya. Mr. Sled etc....
Your welcome
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36,male, Stonewall,Manitoba, Canada. Been around sleds since Yamaha engines powered Sno-jets. Neighbor was a Sno-Jet dealer in the early 70's. My first sled was a 433 Sno-Jet with Yamaha powering it.
47 years, ...my first sled was a 70' olympic 12/3, in 1970 ...I've been riding Yamaha bikes since the late 70's. Great age mix on this site, ...good to see!
