best skis's for an SRX


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
well I switched my simmon's to the 600 and put the USI on the SRX.They suck big time.It is like I had power steering before,and now am fighting to get ski's to turn..nuts man.Now I can't take a corner super fast as ski's push thru a bit.I know the simmon's dual carbides grabbed instantly and guided me thru corners like on rails.Why would the single carbide USI be so hard to steer,I feel I am going to snap the handle bar of is that hard and it has 6 " 60 degree carbides in excellent not bad,,but turning on snow they seem like someone is pushing back.
I want a ski that is light of course and probably get bergstrom carbides installed.This I am looking for in the future..on my list of things to buy.
I think skidoo pilots might work well. They work great on an Apex and also keep the stock SRX ride height. Only issue is the push a bit in loose snow. Your need an agressive center carbide to get them to bite.
arrow skis by kimpex.
on your usi skis, tell us the setup, the holes, carbides etc, I'll try to make them better but they do unlock hard if you have weight on them.
simmons are right on,my 600 never steered so good in years.Reason I took them off the SRX was to have less friction so I could maybe gain some speed.

betheviper..They have 5 or 6 inch 60 degree carbides mounted.I have the stock saddles on,now I realize that on their saddles there are different hole positions to mount to sled.I still have them mounts.Actually they will drop the front end hieght a tad also..hmmmm..but still..they are a dog for turning

Interesting....when you have your sled track suspended in air on a stand,do you tighten your limiter straps just enough to take up the slack on the straps.What is happening when one sits on the sled with a lot of transfer and take corners quickly.Is positioning the straps that way actually not lifting the front enough to maybe take weight of the ski's some.If the straps were not there..then the front end would totally come up..lifting ski's.Possibly I don't have the front straps in the right adjustment,yet I have the nut cranked in a lot approx 1 3/8" thread ahead of the nut.I know the SRX w-arm has the mount higher up on the arm where adjuster goes thru then on the SXR's.I measured all my straps and they are all the same length also.Yet the Yamaha spec calls for like 32mm of thread /nut combo exposed.That means then that I have to really crank down the nut now.So under acceleration and when on the throttle..the front comes up more..thus taking ski pressure off.Am I correct here or what..confused on this part..betheviper what do you say..
my sled has C & A Pro skis. they are amazing and work well in all conditions...i wblasted threw 2 feet of power this part weekend with ease...
bluemonster1 said:
of course I sold my 2 sets of yami ski's a while back to... :o|

I did the same thing and wish I would have keep a set to have to switch back and forth! Don't get me wrong I like aftermarket ski's but in a bind stock ones would be really nice! Good luck blue. I have my limiter strap at the min stock setting out of my manual. From there I use my transfer rod to do the adjusting, I am not saying, I am just saying............. :rulez:
in Royal Dist. catologue they show ATS arrow ski's twin keel.Is that from Kimplex??/Good prices $339.99 with 90 degreee dual runners each.This is their best seller it states.
did a lot of reading on the Kimplex Arrow skis.good reviews on them and by betheviper also.Royal Dist. has them as ATS Arrow Skis...dual keel.. same ski as Kimplex also....Price is $339.99 complete. ^0 degree carbides are like $140 more,but can do with the 90's for now and get better carbides next season..
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JeepJimmy said:
i like the SLT slp skis with the keel runner
X-4 I run four sets of slp/slt's on four different model sleds and couldn't be more pleased.....
so it looks like I will go with the Kimlex Arrow dual keel skis and order stud boy shaper bars 60 degree.4.5 inches for the inside and 6" for the outside.How does that sound....
bluemonster1 said:
so it looks like I will go with the Kimlex Arrow dual keel skis and order stud boy shaper bars 60 degree.4.5 inches for the inside and 6" for the outside.How does that sound....

Sounds good, youll like them. I use the Jagged Edge square bar runners and they work awesome. Also, when I installed my Arrow skis I had to trim the OEM ski rubbers a little because I didn't recieve new ones with my order. But all in all they were one of the best things I have done to my SRX.
