motorhead327 said:If it was tampax id be worried,lol
And I certanly wouldn't be looking for a used set.

what are the jagged edge square bar runners you are talking about?? This is for your tampax skis..I mean
LOL. when you call royal ask about them. they are 6 inch carbides on a rectangle 90* host bar instead of traditional round bar. very possitive steering.
Limiters are a bandaid. If you intalled the skis using stock srx mounts, You have changed the angle of the sled, all skis change the angle of the sled. different depth keels, width of keel, width of ski, these things all change the sleds angle on the snow because they either raise or lower the ski into the snow. On snow, I would guess this ski would set higher on most any condition softer than ice. It uses a longer carbide with a longer, deeper keel with a wider platform, everything about this ski makes it sit higher even though the spindle mount sits lower.bluemonster1 said:simmons are right on,my 600 never steered so good in years.Reason I took them off the SRX was to have less friction so I could maybe gain some speed.
betheviper..They have 5 or 6 inch 60 degree carbides mounted.I have the stock saddles on,now I realize that on their saddles there are different hole positions to mount to sled.I still have them mounts.Actually they will drop the front end hieght a tad also..hmmmm..but still..they are a dog for turning
Interesting....when you have your sled track suspended in air on a stand,do you tighten your limiter straps just enough to take up the slack on the straps.What is happening when one sits on the sled with a lot of transfer and take corners quickly.Is positioning the straps that way actually not lifting the front enough to maybe take weight of the ski's some.If the straps were not there..then the front end would totally come up..lifting ski's.Possibly I don't have the front straps in the right adjustment,yet I have the nut cranked in a lot approx 1 3/8" thread ahead of the nut.I know the SRX w-arm has the mount higher up on the arm where adjuster goes thru then on the SXR's.I measured all my straps and they are all the same length also.Yet the Yamaha spec calls for like 32mm of thread /nut combo exposed.That means then that I have to really crank down the nut now.So under acceleration and when on the throttle..the front comes up more..thus taking ski pressure off.Am I correct here or what..confused on this part..betheviper what do you say..
Limiters when pulled up, only effect ski pressure when the trail is flat and when pulled up, they limit ride when the trail gets bumpy.
try to adjust your ski pressure with the springs in the skid not the limiter.
I think you need to put the usi mounts on those skis and use the rear hole. the rear hole makes the ski help itself turn. If you have the rocker keel spacer, I wouldn't use them. If you have the keel spacers, I wouldn't use them. They remove the antidarting effect of the front of the keel.
Once you get the usi mounts on, take some shims with you and try shimming them down in the front see what happens. (did you line up the front end?)
sorry if some of this is basics but better to mention it all than miss one of it.
New member
Looks interesting. If I would need to change. For now I happy with the stock ski with Yamaha(gold) Deuce Bar by Studboy.

did what betheviper suggested and will go out to test the ski's right away..
bluemonster1 said:did what betheviper suggested and will go out to test the ski's right away..
need some rpm blue lollllllllllllllllllll

well thanks to bethe viper.. have power steering again.Mounted the ski on the rear hole as told and wanders.....I adjusted the Ohlins alittle stiffer from 8 clicks to 13 clicks,getting some kick back on the back...I am so sore now..I really think my back is getting fragile.Probably not to mant seasons left that I will be able to ride...oh well!!!
Mod I tried a different setup and rpm's wot only I give up basically..going back to stock and will see wot rpm's again..miss that sound at that rpm...
Mod I tried a different setup and rpm's wot only I give up basically..going back to stock and will see wot rpm's again..miss that sound at that rpm...