sled revving way high after PV cleaning


New member
Nov 18, 2005
Cant understand what is going on here.

I just cleaned and re-installed my valves, and had to replace the middle cable. Done this a few times and never had an issue

When I start the sled, ir revs really high and almost starts popping/backfiring.

Choke cable moves freely, same with throttle (neither are stuck)

Ran 100% perfect before doing the PV's
so, playing with the choke has no impact at all. Blipping the throttle causes it to pop more...seems to rev may up and stay around 3500 and makes this weird sound.

SO, if the power valves are stuck open (or cables were all to tight) would this cause the engine to race and rev way up?

I just pulled the valves and servo, and all valves were installed the right way, curved tapered side down.

I replaced the metal gaskets (rectangle) and I am not sure if the ribbed part goes toward the cylinders or away from the cylinders?? Would that make a difference?? i wouldnt think so.

I suspect maybe the valves werent sitting all the way down, and were left open, so thats what Id need a PV expert to confirm/deny...if they are stuck open, would the engine rev way up?

The only other thing Ive done is pull the carbs and reeds for inspection and cleaning. I just removed the airbox and the carbs all move freely (nothing is stuck open)

Im lost here...
Sounds like its sucking air...

Things to check:
-throttle tension TORS
-carbs installed all the way into the carb boots, check all three boots and look for cracks
-carb clamps on properly and tightened
-reed cage gaskets properly installed and cages tightened down properly with nothing preventing them from seating properly
-if you had the carbs appart you may have to back track and check everything you did to ensure nothing is amiss like fuel screw rubber o rings and screw settings ect.

Obviously if it was not doing this before you put the wrenches to must have something to do with the items that were worked on.


the reason i think tors is you said 3500 rpm... i know when my tension in the throttle cable was adjusted wrong the sled popped and would not rev over 3500 rpms almost sounded like a two-step...

you have a good list above to check as well ^^^ i just do not think anything wrong with powervalves would do that
i am guessing thors also ....if u turn idle screw will it idle down ?? if not loosen throttle cable and see if idle comes down ...
tors on a 99 srx??

I did visually inspect the reeds, so maybe they are not seating properly. I removed most of the stuff last night so Ill double check the carbs and reeds.

sorry, I was confused about TORS and DTS.

I will pull the carbs again, and double check the reeds.

When I inspected the reeds, they all looked good, the rubber seals are all in good shape.

As long as I know its not PVs, then Ill focus on carbs and reeds/boots
ok out in the shed....

I think it was the reeds/boots. 2 of the 3 reed boots came right off, whereas one of them was STUCK to the reed cage flange.....i cleaned the metal surface and cleaned up the rubber gaskets.

I am just about to re-install the carbs, but i think i have the reed boots facing the wrong way

DOES THE BEND FACE DOWNWARDS OR UPWARDS ON THE REED BOOTS???Right now, the bend us turning upwards, but the carbs dont look like they want to line up

someone please if you are online and you know, please reply
the rubber reed boots that clamp on to the carbs.....they have a curve in does the curved part face up (curves up) or the curved part face down (curves down)

right now, the point up, and the carbs would have to sit at an angle to slide into the reed boots. seems like I need to remove the reed assemblies, and reinstall with curve facing down
so im ready to burn this cockcucking piece of shit sled.....

Put it all back together...doing the same thing. BYpassed the TORS, no revs so high I need to hold the brake to keep it from moving forward.

All the reeds are super tightened down (actually broke a bolt I was tightening so much) Clamps are nice and tight on both front and back of carbs. Plently of free play in the throttle cable, choke plunger goes back in no problem....

this is rediculous. I started it up after the long summer, and aside from the broken PV cable, it ran beauty. Idled perfect.

Now, im ready to leave it on the side of the road with the key in it.....cant tell you how frustrated I am right now
Wanna Sell Me The Crank Lollllllll....must Be Something U Overlook ..throttle Cable ????????????????
ive been over everything 3 times now..... all I did since first startup after summer is change a PV cable and clean valves, clean carbs (as I always do) and visually inspected the reeds.

everytihg is double/triple checked. Anything I touched since summer, Ive checked.
Time to take a step back.
If you've got a friend thats good with wrenches have him come over for a fresh look at it.
It sure sounds as though something is hanging the throttle valves open for it to idle that high.
Pull the airbox off and have a look at the throttle valves and ensure when you back off the idle adjuster that the throttle valves move lower in the carb bores.
If you can't figure this out it may be time to have a mechanic take a look.

